fanfiction drabble // choice determines your destiny

Apr 16, 2010 10:35

my drabble for this week's prompt of "water" at pack_100 !

Title: choice determines your destiny
Prompt: water
Character/Pairing: jacob/bella
Rating: g

"Mommy! Mommy, watch!"

Bella lifts her gaze from the pages of the novel she's reading from her beach chaise and switches it to the two figures in swimwear in front of her at the water's edge.

She places the book in her lap and smiles at the sight. "Okay, Sarah, I'm watching."

The young russet-skinned girl smiles brightly in return and jumps into her father's strong arms. "Ready Daddy?"

Jacob winks at his beautiful daughter, calls out, "One, two, three!" and tosses her gently into a small oncoming wave. Sarah comes up for air a second later singing a phrase of "Again, again!"

It's moments like these that let Bella know she made the right choice.

fandom: twilight, drabble, pairing: jacob/bella, fanfiction

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