fanfiction drabble // delicious

Jan 04, 2010 01:34

This is another drabble I wrote for pack_100 for the prompt of "eggnog" during the holidays. I forgot to post it here, so better late than never. :)

Title: delicious
Prompt: eggnog
Pairing: jacob/bella
Rating: pg
Notes/Warnings: alcohol, bella, and jacob. oh my!

"Want s'more eggnog, Jakey? I'm getting s'more. Don't y'want s'more?" Bella asks, her voice slurring as she waves her half-full glass in the air sloppily. Some of it drips onto the floor while she falters through the kitchen.

Jacob chuckles soberly as he follows her (the bourbon-and-brandied eggnog had already been burned off due to his abnormal body temperature). His large hand grasps hers before she grabs the ladle and turns her around to face him.

"I think you've had enough, Bells. But as for me…” His tongue traces the top of her upper lip where a bit of eggnog lingers.

“Delicious,” he whispers. Bella giggles.

fandom: twilight, drabble, pairing: jacob/bella, fanfiction

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