Oct 19, 2004 18:28
What is your name? DJ
Are you named after anyone? grandmothers
What's your screename? chickenboner12
Would you name a child of yours after you? nope i hate my name
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? TJ i think
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? renee i love that name heh
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?they spell it deborah
Would you drop your last name if you became famous? No id change it
Your gender: female
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single? yesum
If not, do you want to be? I don't want to be
Birthdate: 10-11-88
Your age: 16
Age you act: hmm i dont know
Age you wish you were: 16 and a half so i had my liscense
Your height: 5'6"
Eye color: blue
Happy with it? Yeah
Hair color: blonde
Happy with it? Yes
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Your living arrangement: I live at my home
Your family: mom, chrissy
Have any pets? yes, 3
Whats your job? dont have one im a lazy mother trucker
Piercings? nope
Tattoos? no
Obsessions? mmm johnny depp
Addictions? None
Do you speak another language? nope
Have a favorite quote? mother trucker
Do you have a webpage? nope
Do You...
Smoke? No
Do drugs? No, everyday
Read the newspaper? no
Pray? No
Go to church? No
Talk to strangers who IM you? nope
Sleep with stuffed animals? no
Take walks in the rain? no
Talk to people even though you hate them? yes ot be nice
Drive? Nope soon tho
Like to drive fast? chea
Would or Have You Ever? yes
Liked your voice? ummm
Hurt yourself? no
Been out of the country? yes!
Eaten something that made other people sick? no
Been in love? no
Done drugs? yes
Gone skinny dipping? no
Had a medical emergency? nope
Had surgery? No
Ran away from home? no
Played strip poker? yes
Gotten beaten up? No
Beaten someone up? No
Been picked on? Yes
Been on stage? Yes
Slept outdoors? Yes
Thought about suicide? No
Pulled an all nighter? yes
If yes, what is your record? all night
Gone one day without food? umm yeah right im fat i need my food
Talked on the phone all night? no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? no
Slept all day? no
Killed someone? yes...der dumb question if i killed someone i wouldnt be here
Made out with a stranger? No
Had sex with a stranger? No
Thought you're going crazy? Yes
Kissed the same sex? No
Done anything sexual with the same sex? No
Been betrayed? No
Had a dream that came true? No
Broken the law? yeah
Met a famous person? yes
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? no
On purpose? No
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? hmm i think so
Stolen anything? probably
Been on radio/tv? yes
Been in a mosh-pit? yes
Had a nervous breakdown? No
Bungee jumped? No
Had a dream that kept coming back? Yes
Belive in life on other planets? no i hate aliens
Miracles? no
Astrology? not really
Magic? yesssssssssss
God? no
Satan? no
Santa? of course
Ghosts? no
Luck? yeah
Love at first sight? no
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? i dunno
Witches? no
Easter bunny? yes
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yes
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? yes way jose
Do you wish on stars? nope
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you? no one
You wanted to kill? hmmm no names cuz i still wanna kill them...
That you laughed at? hmmm
That laughed at you? who doesnt laugh at my ugliness
That turned you on? haha hmmm
You went shopping with? my mom
That broke your heart? Noone.
To disappoint you? losts of people moslty myself tho
To make you cry? myself
To brighten up your day? someone...amanda would know
That you thought about? jeanne
You saw a movie with? dad?
You talked to on the phone? deanna
You talked to through IM/ICQ? amanda right now
You saw? my sister
You lost? ummm?
Right This Moment...
Are you going out? noo...me go out with someone heh thats funny
Will it be with your significant other? no
Or some random person? no
What are you wearing right now? sweatpants and soccer uniform
Body part you're touching right now: my lip
What are you worried about right now? everything
What book are you reading? to kill a mockingbird
What's on your mousepad? tazmainian devil
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: happy, sad, angry, bored, lonely? i dont know
Are you bored? Yes
Are you tired? Yes
Are you talking to anyone online? yeah
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? No
Are you lonely or content? lonely
Are you listening to music? beatles