Dec 22, 2011 01:31
So, read through some old posts from like 3-4 years ago...came to a post where I mentioned how I had friends over my dorm, including a girl I had a really huge fucking thing for all through sophomore/junior year but never made my move because I have that stupid thing called a fear of talks about how we all were watching movies, and then her and I crashed in my bed.
She slept in my bed....with me....and I didn't do anything...
Someone, go back in time and kick me for that.
But in reality, I had a lot of experiences with some truly awesome people(who I sometimes wish hadn't fallen out of my life because of dumb circumstances) that I wouldn't have had if that had happened...or maybe they would have...but I'll err on the side of caution and say maybe that was just how it was supposed to be.
and now, to bed