Sep 30, 2008 01:30
Possibly the shittiest past days i've had in a while.
Got a phonecall from Craig yesterday morning telling me his Grandfather passed away.. which made me sad. I honestly loved that man... I really did. He was incredible. So, i only spoke to him for a few moments, but in the midst of it i got choked up due to the situation and i doubt if he noticed. After i got off of the phone, I sobbed. For the loss of Grandpa Barney, and for the pain that Grandma is honestly in. And Craig.. and Tom... all of those people that i spent 3 years with, and here i am on the otherside not able to offer comfort.... companionship.. Nothing.
I actually climbed in bed with my mother for the first time in 10 years because i was shaking and sobbing so badly...
I sent them a sympathy card...... I didn't know what more i could do. :-\ ...
Jamie's an idiot. He's losing me, and if he cares, then he's certainly not showing it.
I miss Beam.. and am excited for Connie to be moving back home...
I yearn to go back to school. I really should next semester.
I've been a very ...very bitchy person the past few days.... and i couldnt give you the honest answer why.