(no subject)

Jun 27, 2004 22:25

Name?: Mandee
Age?: 14
Location?: mesa, az
Sex?: female
Siblings?: 2 sisters
Height?: 5'5"
Eye color?: brown

Are you a loner?: Not that i know of but who am i to say?
What are your #1 priorities in life?: i dont really know...
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Maybe. I'm hard to get along with sometimes.
Are you a daredevil?: i can be.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: oooohhh yeah.
Do you have a journal?: Yeah...this thing..
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: i really dont think i have a strength...and i have alot of weaknesses
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: theres too many answers to that question for me..
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: nope. not at all.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: yeah
Do you think life has been good so far?: uhh not so much. more like 50/50
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: dont believe everything you hear
What do you like the most about your body?: absolutly nothing.
And least?: every single damn thing.
Do you think you are good looking?: not at all
Are you confident?: not really. sometimes. depends.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: i wouldnt know...

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
Whats his/her name?:---
Whats one word you could think of to describe them?: ---
If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?: nope. im good on my own.

Fav movie?: Empire records
Fav person you know?: at the moment Michelle
Fav food and drink?: mac and cheese and water
Fav shirt you own?: i dont really have a favorite..
Fav place youve been to?: New Jersey.
Fav colors?: pink
Fav place to be?: New Jersey, or my bedroom.
Fav store?: Hollister, Abercrombie, Anchor Blue, Charlotte Russe...so on and so on.
Fav tv show?: the O.C. I miss it dammit!
Fav song?: all downhill from here by new found glory

---d0 y0u---
Do you speak another language?: mhmm. spanish and a little french
Do you have a webpage?: nope. not computerallicy talented enough to work one of those things.
Do you live in the moment?: had to read this ? like 7 times to get it. but yeah i think i do.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: not really actually...
Do you have any secrets?: alot.
Do you hate yourself?: yes
Do you like your handwriting?: nope. ive noticed most lefties dont write very nice...and im a lefty...so yeah.
Do you have any bad habits?: alot.

Pepsi or coke?: i dont really care. ill drink whatevers there.
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla i guess
Internet or phone?: both i suppose.
McDonalds or Burger King?: i hate all fast food shit like that.
Eminem or 50 cent?: ehh..not into either of em anymore. but 50 i guess.
Make up or no make up?: make up
Cat or dog?: dog
Spanish or French?: spanish
Lights on or lights off?: im afraid of the dark but ill keep em off in certain situations...so both.
Hungry or full?: hungry
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: hot choco. i hate chocolate milk.

---are y0u---
Suicidal?: not anymore
Stubborn?: very
Open-minded?: yes
Arrogant?: probably
Patient?: not really
Hyper?: uhh not usually. sometimes though
Nice?: if i like you
Happy?: sometimes
Depressed?: yeah

---wh0 d0 y0u want t0---
Fuck?: nice...umm vin diesal =D
Kiss?: my lips are sealed
Hurt?: quite a few people actually
Beat the shit out of?: haha dont get me started...
Kill?: hmm..
Hug?: well i like hugs from anyone i care about...

---with the 0pp0site sex---
Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: blue!! i fall for blue eyes badly.
Hair color?: ehh...i dont really care.
Curly or straight?: doesnt really matter as long as it looks good.
Tall or short?: well taller than me
Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?: i dont really care.
Pale tan or in the middle?: middle or tan

---w0uld y0u---
Shave your head for $10,000?: id rather not...
Cheat on your bf/gf?: nope. thats fucking mean
Eat a bug?: gross. no.
Be on fear factor?: for the stunt sorta things..but not for the eating the gross shit part.
Kill yourself?: it wouldnt ever suprise me if i did...but i dont want to at the moment...
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: been there, done that
Turn goth?: nope...blacks not really my color...

---have y0u ever---
Masturbated?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: yeah
Had sex?: nope
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: um yeah

---y0ur friends---
Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: michelle. she knows every fucking thing.
Whos ur best friend of the same sex?: i dont think i have one, but my closest is michelle.
Why?:shes the coolest, most trustworthy person i know.
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?: i dont have one anymore.
Why?: ---
Stupidest?: kaitlin! shes stupid with me cause i did the K to her when she did the M to me!
Nicest?: robert!
Best looking?: haha idk...theres a few not-too-shabby-lookin guys that are my friends and i cant really decide.
Craziest?: yeah idk...

---Andddd finally---
Final words?: i might be moving..so remember me!!
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