Jan 08, 2004 14:05
This morning my grandma took me out for lunch. Yes, morningtime for lunch. She got to my house at 10:40am. I woke up at 10 this morning....so yes, it was breakfast. And where did we go? Anchor Inn. For yall who aren't from MD, Anchor Inn is a seafood place. But not your average seafood place. It's for all the oldies. The kind of old people who eat at the same place for lunch every weekday, they have the same waiter every day, and they don't even have to look at the menu. The waiter knows their allergies and preferences...I'm tellin ya.
For yall who have read about my grandma before, you know how funny she is. This woman is straight from the countryside in Jamaica. Mixed with black and white. Very "uppity" but she cracks me up every time I see her. My uncle and her are the best combination. Usually when we have a meal together, they ask me about my current relationship status.
With their thick accents...Nicole, is where your boyfriend dey?
And I usually have to say that no, I do not have a boyfriend at this time.
But alas! Today! I could have said proudly, yes grandma, yes uncle, I Nicole have a boyfriend and contrary to your beliefs, I am NOT lesbian!
But of course they did not ask me. My life...I'm tellin ya. I really felt like saying, "Grandma, my boyfriend did the funniest thing yesterday..."
and she would have interrupted me like, "Fa true? Ya boyfriend? Ya hear the chil' Garey? She hav' erself a boyyyyfriend now."
and Uncle Garey be like, "Ya mon, me always know Nikki could get fi erself a boyfriend. She attractive. She could attract de women but she ain't no lesbo."
but oh well. lmao.