Sep 11, 2009 14:37

Okay I had a very bad day today so I am gonna rant.So be prepared.

anyway today was the first day of school.At first it was fun to see everyone again and all but then we realized there were ongoing constructions to a part of the building (because they wanna add more classrooms) which meant NO CAFETERIA!!!( Well it wasn't exactly cafeteria but it was the place where we bought food etc during breaks) *bawl* and it will stay that way until the new part of the building is finished..which will take at least three months :( What the fuck are we supposed to do? However it's not my nature to be pessimistic so soon I found the bright side : I never was really hungry and I just bought sweets and stuff like now I have no temptation which means no extra unneeded fat which means my diet will keep going!!! *Woot*

But that was when the real bad part happened.Last year our class was awesome! We had a great level,and all the teachers said we were the best class of our year plus it was so much fun.The dynamic between all of us was amazing <3 But this year they split us up *bawls* I mean sure me and my 3 bffs are in the same class but many of our classmates who made us laugh went to the other class,and so did some other friends of mine *pouts* And if that wasn't bad enough the other class (B4,we're B3) has not only the good students (which means great level during the lesson and that's quite important as I need all I can get in school as to keep my "no studying' policy at home) but the funny ones as well. UGH!!! -,- Kill me now !!!

So then we just went out for a coffee with my friends and I will admit it was fun so no complains there.Back at  home though I learned more bad news from my dad : They are taking my pc from my room *dies* .Apparently his is broken and no hope of being fixed so they will take mine from my room and have it to my brother's who is not here and his room is used like a study.Double UGH!That of course means much less time I could have online,because even if I didn't spend much whole hours to the pc I used to like have it open,so I talked to some people on msn in between doing homework (yeah between of reading magazines/books,listening to music/drawing) .Now since it's in another room I will just go there for a limited time because my dad wants to use it too and he needs it for his job. And I will be honest..he has a point.We just bought our summer house this year so buying a brand new pc when it's isn't exactly necessary would be an unneeded expense.But still...pc is sth like a personal I don't like sharing it xD. Though my dad understood how bad this was for me so he agreed to pay to buy me an external disc I wanted which costs around 80-100 euros (1 terra).That is good at least.

*sigh* well that's all.I will probably won't be on today much because many of my friends I haven't seen all summer from school made some comments about calling me to go out today or sth...So yeah. :/ Love you all! <3


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