Feb 05, 2004 19:03
Life is...going.
School is good. I've really enjoyed the stuff we've been learning the past week and a half. (Perms, Press and Curl) I'm just gonna be honest with this finally:
I don't like haircutting.
That's just what it comes down to.
Good thing there are lots of other things I can do with my cosmetology license! There really are a lot of possibilities when ya think about it.
It's wierd. The other day during break we were all blabbing as usual, and I don't remember what we were talking about, but I blurted out: "Yeah, I haven't really been happy since my freshman year." Everyone was so shocked. And...I kinda was too. I never realized. I mean, it's more like since the middle of my sophomore year...but still. Of course, I've had some patches of happ iness here and there. But, I'm unhappy more often than not is the pOint. And...that's tERRible. I mean, why live if you're not happy, right? Lately, it's not that I've been depressed, just simply neutral. Nothin great nothin bad goin on. Whateva. When I s tep back and take a look though, everything's goin' pretty good. I'm doing what I want to be doing at this time in my life. It's just...I have no social life. Not b/c that's how I make it, but b/c I don't really know many people I like hangin with. ThAt's what's depressing. Oh, well. I'm dealin with it.
Chris left to Texas. I guess I was keepin' him here, and now that I've bounced from his life, he bounced from town. Heh. Ok Mr. Dramatic. I truely hope he's happier or...more like, simply happyout there.
I don't miss him. Sounds harsh and cold, but it's the truth. We had some good times, but they disappeared fast and I guess, so has he now, huh?
BUT...I dO miss having a boyfriend. Oh, whaaaa. Shut up.
Been really emotional lately for some reason. And it's not cause of pms this time. Although, it never fails when I have a DRASTIC mood swing, that the next day I get my period.
But I've also been...calm. Well, that's what my name means, I guess it fits. Calm, but..........horny.
Aaah, hormones. HEh.
Decided that if I am ever going to get a tattoo, (which I probably won't) it will be "mom" in Vietnamese.
I love and trust her more than anybody else in the world. Not to mention the fact that she's the best mom a person could ask for. :)
Night everybody.