Nov 25, 2006 18:46
Overall it went pretty well, with me getting lightly drunk twice over the last two days. Seeing my brother was nice and dad was nice. My mom and I got into an argument or two but I think thinks are ok for now. Went out and bought some groceries earlier. My parents gave me two presents as part of a late birthday kind of thing.
1) Final Fantasy XII. This is quickly becoming my favorite 3D FF game. The hunter quests are hard as balls though. Seems like every one of them takes me at least two tries to do. Also wish there were a few more save points.
2) Creative Zen Microphoto mp3 player. Still working on getting this filled with music and set up the way I want it, but so far it really seems great. Just wish I could listen to music on it while it's plugged into my computer.