Jul 18, 2010 05:28
Okay, so. Just got back from this awesome club in DC. Still a little buzzed, so perhaps posting this right now isn't a great idea, BUT WHATEVER. If I sleep first, I may forget details. SO.
It was my first time really clubbing, so I was really nervous going there. Nervous that I was dressing like a fool, and nervous that I'd make a complete ass of myself on the dance floor. Turns out I dressed just fine, and after a little liquid courage (fuck yeah, Vodka Cranberries) I was out on the dance floor. And my style of dancing didn't even look that bad, from what I've been told. So, that's nice.
The people at the club were pretty cool, too. Everyone looked so coooooool. Or sexy. Definitely saw a few outfits that I'd love to see on a certain someone.
Also, I need to work on my cardiovascular health. My manner of dancing involves a lot of jumping, stomping, and just vigorous movement in general. After one song I needed to take a little break. This happened multiple times. Well, until I finished with one song, was about to go to sit down, but then heard an Angelspit song being played. The one that I had requested. SO YEAH. Couldn't exactly sit that one out. Felt almost like passing out a couple times during that, BUT I MANAGED.
ALSO, one of my friends managed to score a girl's e-mail (His dancing skills helped. Seriously, he was the first person on the dance floor, and for like, half an hour, no other guy would set foot onto it. They'd look at him, shake their heads, and walk away, knowing that they'd look like asses next to him.). Not a bad catch, either. You go, man.
Felt like a bit of a dick at the end, because this girl was trying to dance with me, and I walked away. I would have liked to explain that I was taken, and that if I were single, I definitely would have joined her (so as to not be an ass when I walk away), but explaining that over the loud booming of the speakers next to us just wasn't going to happen. So yeah, I felt kinda like a douche.
SO HERE COMES THE BEST STORY. As we're waiting for the metro, one of my friends is regaling us with a story. It was very funny, and I was laughing my ass off. At one point, a kid who had been at the club sat next to us to listen, and started tossing my friend dollar bills. It was amusing.
Of course, when my friend's wife realized that the kid had put a $20 in her boot, things went a little downhill. Those of you who know her can instantly understand just how bad a decision this was. SO, as she looks at it, dumbstruck, the kid opens his mouth. What comes out it is (in an attempt at flirting): "Oh, man. I wonder how that could have gotten there?"
...really, kid? REALLY?
ANYHOW, so she just stares at this bill for a couple seconds. I, knowing what is imminent, wish I had popcorn and a camera. Sadly, I am devoid of both things. So, she begins, a little dumbstruck, with: "I don't know how to respond to this. Why would you do that? Seriously, who puts a twenty in a girl's boot?"
Seeing that this is only going to go downhill, the kid does the only wise thing he's done yet: flee. While doing so, he parts with: "Well, maybe it's because you were the hottest chick at the club!"
Stupid, stupid kid. Almost pitiable, really.
The kid has vanished by now, and my friend is pissed. She's angry at what the kid implied by putting money in her boot, and she's even more angry that he fled before she had the chance to fully unload her wrath and fury. The group of us all laugh and the whole thing, because there's nothing funnier than seeing a creeper get castrated verbally. Seriously, I think the kid's testicles broke in half, the way he fled the scene.
Our subway car pulls up, and we get on. Throughout most of the ride, we laugh at how stupid that kid was, my friend still pissed that she didn't get to further castrate him. About halfway to our destination, someone coes into our car from the next one up.
He looks, sees us, gets an "OH, SHIT" face. My friend then gets up, and walks to him. He sees this as a sign. A sign that she's interested.
Yeah, this kid is a fucking moron.
He then says something along the lines of: "Man, I should have put my number on it, huh?" The next thing that happens is a tirade of anger pouring from my friend's mouth. She tells him to keep his damn money (she had decided that using it would make her feel even more disgusted), and then laid on a beatdown, explaining just how bad he had fucked up (specifically, in that she is MARRIED and that he had also insinuated that she was akin to a prostitute.). He tries to weasel out by saying he's sorry for insulting her, and that he would have never done it if he'd known she was married. This, of course, only digs him a deeper whole, because he really shouldn't have done it anyways.
I can't really transcribe the whole thing, but it was damn amazing. End result is that he slinks away, looking like he's about to cry, and my friend is very pleased that she managed to unleash her fury. The second the kid steps out of the car, I start laughing my ass off.
SO YEAH. Interesting night.
...ANYHOW, GOING TO BED NOW. It's 5:30 in the morning. D: