Feb 24, 2010 16:37
...jealous of Matt Hills who is at the big Who auction (and found himself queuing with Andrew Pixley, intrerestingly enough).
...realised that I'm coming back from the TIC in a bad temper because of how many of the items from the mass dedication are mean-spirited. That's unusual; most of the items to this point haven't been so.
...got a 9th publication-- nonacademic essay on living in Cardiff as a DW/TW fan.
...bought a new skirt and top for under £4. Also saw a Catra (from She-Ra) doll and bought it-- vastly amused that either the UK version had her as ginger, or the heads got confused somehow and it's actually Castaspella's head on Catra's body. I R GEEK. (Also, He-Man is not camp).
...came up with a new sketch idea; pro singer sues virus/bacteria for loss of earnings. The virus/bacteria (really must check if 'virus' is 4th or 2nd declension to get the right plural) retains cousel in the sense of infecting their lawyer. There's also a 'parasite' joke to be found in there somewhere.