On beliefs and my reasons for mine

Aug 09, 2005 02:51

It must first be stated that I respect everyones' right to their own beliefs, thoughts, feelings, impressions and delusions. I ask that the same respect be given to me. You are unlikely to agree with most of this. If this sort of thing angers you, stop reading now. We are(whether we are aware of it or not)creatures of our own invention, and assimilation of a set of rules or aphorisms is essential to lend structure to that freeform poem we call our lives. Itis my belief the invention known as the human being needs to examine its' blueprints and come away with knowledge of the self gleaned from WITHIN, rather than WITHOUT. Cyphers and symbols may provide us with comfort, but comfort is not knowledge. Those seeking comfort do not truly wish to know themselves.

I find the nihilistic philosophies of western religions tiresome and unenlightening. They are at best a security blanket offered against the,"dangers", of self-awareness and at worst an attempt to flee from the responsibilties inherent in being a creature with free will. Death is not the Golden ticket. The devil didn't make you do it. There is a vast world before us brimming with good AND evil and it is our actions guided by our will that decide how our reality is shaped. If your world sucks, that is your fault. You have only yourself, your lack of vision and your weakness to blame. Don't sit around waiting for some omnipotent being to lift your curse, do it yourself. Fixing a problem is easy. Begging the cosmos to fix itself for you is idiotic. It is very true that the meek will inherit the earth. We still inter our dead in the soil.

It is the individuals' right and responsibility to question all things, and accept nothing as truth without scrutinous examination. With innate free will, we are as gods and laws unto ourselves. Let no mans' law overwrite your identity other than your own. This should not be seen as an excuse for wanton disregard for the rights of other individuals. Mainstream beliefs already advocate enough of that behavior without encouragement from outside sources. Seeking the restriction or suppression of free thought in any form negates ones' status as a free thinker. An oppressor is not free. Oppressors are prisoners of their own narrow minded, overly linear thought patterns and their aggressive actions are undertaken due to desperate want of company. Do not join them.

LIVING should be considered, above all other things, divine. Life is a precious thing and should not be squandered in favor of an eternal reward for doing nothing at all. The flesh is a lovely thing. Revel in it. There is no better time than here and now. Anyone that would try to convince you otherwise is a fool and is missing out on the grand bacchanalia laid out before them. Eat. Drink. Breathe. Fuck. And take the time to really ENJOY it, rather than flitting aimlessly from one sensory overload to the next. Realize that true joy isn't in bounty, but in being AWARE of how wonderful LIVING really is. Take that and run with it. You will be amazed at how much more satisfying life can be when you give it a chance to simply be what it is.

I serve no deity, no creed, no organization, no deathsome ideal prescribed as an antidote to being truly alive. I serve only myself and those close to me that have earned my respect, admiration and love. I would expect no less of anyone else.
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