Well, i'm on early lights but as usual i'm not asleep. I don't know what it is about this place, but i can't ever get to sleep here. I spend my spare time doing useless things i wouldn't even do at home- without the structured atmosphere. I do spend a lot of time thinking here...and what little i do read of relevance shocks me to anger. Things like the FDA killing thousands of people a year by allowing harmful drugs with huge numbers of side-effects on the market. Anyone else find it flawed that the members of the FDA own large numbers of stocks in major pharmaceutical companies, when their the ones approving/denying patents to drug companies? Or that the 53% of the FDA's employees receive their paychecks DIRECTLY from major pharmaceutical companies?
This kind of crap makes me want to wander out in the woods and get lost, never to stagger back to this insanity we call "America- the land of the free and the home of the brave". The title should be changed to "America- the land of those who think they are free and the home of the greedy". Under the Constitution, we were free. Under the ever-increasing weight of this buerocracy, however, we are being crushed in the name of profits. We fight foreign wars and rebuild foreign nations to profit large corporations, so that senators and congressmen can purchase their stock and make millions. Our legislators make laws in the interests of the corporations and special interest groups that line their pockets, and only make legislation for the people when their jobs are at risk.
The only thing that has saved American politicians so far is our "civility" and our love for the idea of "innocent until proven guilty" (which, ironically enough, the executive branch is moving away from). In any other country in the world, there would have been violent upheaval, probably ending in the public execution of our crooked politicians.
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