Ponies! Pine trees! Shore traffic...

Sep 24, 2015 15:35

We took the Megatherium camping last weekend, to see the wild ponies of Assateague* although since the National Seashore was celebrating its 50th anniversary, we ended up camping at Pokomoke River State Park instead and daytripping the ponies. It's a lovely park, all loblolly pines and river, with some very nice new facilities and playground and things. We ended up at the Milbourn Landing side of the park, which is down about 6 or 8 miles of little windey road from anywhere, rather than Shad Landing which is right off the highway, but aside from failing to rent a canoe before heading home, it turned out just fine.

I'm fairly sure the Megatherium would tell you that the highlights of the trip were ponies, playing at the beach, and getting car sick. ("We drove and drove and drove and I throwed up in the car. I went 'beh' and all the things in my tummy came out.") It turns out she still has issues with exhaust fumes if you take the air off recirculate, phoey. But she's a good sport about it, and was telling me, "I puked!" before we'd gotten her all the way cleaned up and back in her carseat. I would tell you that we need to find a beach/giant sandbox somewhere closer to home, and that despite bathing when we got home, my child somehow managed to smell strongly of pine pollen for three days straight.

I am also given to contemplate that the default state of the modern American is not to be covered in bug bites, and that this is globally and historically pretty weird. And further, though we didn't get anywhere near lapsing into segmented sleep patterns (not least because I kept waking up 5 or 6 times a night to throw a blanket back over the wiggly toddler, who would promptly roll out from under it again; presumably I would eventually get over bothering) it occurs to me that I have yet to see anyone mention in pre-industrial fantasy that the middle guard shift ought to be the easiest one, if you're planning to stay put through the darkness, and the last one would be hard unless you always took that watch.

*She has a board book called "Good Night Maryland" which pages through a somewhat selective set of MD landmarks, which has a page of ponies & beach. We failed to check off the Ocean City Boardwalk while we were in the area, tho.

Xposty from dreamwidth.
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