The Megatherium's words are finally growing in; she's still missing a couple key phonemes (hard C, j/g, solid R or L tho she'll use words with those in) and hasn't begun attempting grammar yet, but she'll echo all sorts of things, now in multiple syllables. (We rediscovered Little Bear's Friend yesterday, which she now asks for as "Emmy" & "fend" since the girl's name is Emily.) Recent adventures in communication include:
*The babydolls from grauwulf's mother came as a two-pack; and are named Mimi and Bibi (ok, according to the box there are three babies of which we actually have Mimi and Lulu, but in the absence of good Ls we opted for the two names she could latch onto.) About 90% of the time Mimi is the one with the pink bow & the blue eyes, and Bibi is the one with the blue bow (sewn to her head, I might add), brown eyes, and pouty mouth. There is a little fluctuation, but given that she sometimes gets all worked up and calls her father "Mamam" before getting around to "Daddy" that's probably not significant. Anyway, Mimi & Bibi have great adventures, get fed and carted around by their hair bows, and occasionally dressed in glad-eyed baby's extra clothes.
*Best game with the toy kitchen is standing on tiptoe to put a cup with teabag into the microwave all the while chanting "beep! beep! beep!"; she gets as far as pressing the start "button" (painted on) but then will often come grab my hand, say "help!" and lead me over so that I can make whirring noises and a long end beep. The toddler who comes up & grabs one by the finger to drag one off for assistance is both super cute and a new level of distracting.
*We visited my mother on Sunday as part of a dinner party so she'd have a chance to cook her traditional turkey feast with more than just her to eat it, and went out to collect pinecones for fire starters in the corner of her yard. (The Megatherium is an excellent pine cone collector; we did
these a few weeks back for genuine child-made grandma & neighbor presents, which worked quite nicely.) There were also some nice clear deer tracks in the muddy bits and a big pile of deer poop, both of which I pointed out. Yesterday, we opened the last picture book from my mother (Over and Under the Snow) which has a deer on one page, and the Megatherium pointed the the deer, exclaimed "Dee!" and then (after a moment's pause to collect her thoughts) made a pooping noise. And then for the next five or six pages she had to turn back to the deer page after we'd read them and do it again.
*Today we tried the frozen cranberries grauwulf picked up last week (she's very fond of both sorts of dried cranberries, & he couldn't find fresh) which drip vast quantities of juice once they thaw. "Oh dear," I exclaimed, "those are bleeding all over you." To which she responded with a joyous, "Bee!" and squished the remaining half-berries all over herself.
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