Jul 31, 2009 10:21
Hey all. Haven't posted in a while. Nothing really all that new has happened.
Had a frustrating experience with my (former) bank, TD Banknorth. Apparently when your checking account's balance goes under $100 they assess you a fee. Because, y'know, the people who can least afford it should be the ones who pay. I got a refund before closing my account. I have since moved to a Credit Union.
Still jobless.
Working on a campaign for my gaming group. That's going okay, except the rate at which people are making their characters is a little too variable. This week's ConnectiCon; I don't think next week's anything, the week after that I'm planning to go out of town, and the week after that is a sibling's birthday. If I ever manage to get this game up and running, it should be decent, though.
Got a library card, too.