mr. slater brought the night down.

Aug 05, 2005 03:05

when there's no one to talk with,
and the night is too quiet.
when the words were shallow
among being others things, like hollow and low and nice to save face, and cute and really most of all, shallow.
when the beer was plentiful the cigarettes well lit,
and when the laughter should have been there,
was forced to be there
but really wasn't.
when being called hot brings an easy smile but nothing more
when being called sexy drew, yeilds a forced giggle.
there is still no one to cry with.

the night was done before it ever began, and i knew it.
but i went on, i went through it.
and theres a fear, by me saying any of this,
of any sort of back lash, "i told you so" 's.
to me, from them to them from them.
and that all ends now, at the begining.

the i told you so, that all "they might say"
are the reason so many feel alone at times like these.

and if i called, would there be an answer? would the phone ever stop ring-edy ringing?
or would some bitch recorded as the voice mail slave for eternity tell me to press five to leave a call back number?

and still there is no one to talk to.

so this is the begining. of an end well overdue.
say goodbye. just wave, maybe cry (more for show then the meaning of it all, that is what you do best, eh?)
say goodbye.
it ends now, it ends now.

and would any oen know what i was sayingf without it begin said, or would the bobbler heads you;ve trained yourselves to be, the bobble heads i've asked youi to be, just smile and nod in tyhe way i once thought i wanted for myself.
mind your role.
and nod, here at the begining here at the end.

and now i sleep without closing these eyes
tyhe eyes that have for too long been forced to see too much without acknowledgement of the struggle it took.

these eyes fall victim to yet another drink, another night of trying to fight to stay within the realm of some destructive queen.

this is the begining, where i take the crown that is rightfully mine, take back the crown i know in my heart belongs to me, and give up this crown, of false ambers and hollow gold, to the divas of the night who so desperatly claw for it.

this is the begining, when i turn the other ckeek and for once not strike back but watch as armed fortresses crumble.
no more walls with my self.
no more walls.
the beging of the end, the ending of a begining.
chapter one done and said,
youre ugly, more then you'd want to be, as am i.
i'm only better because i said it first.

so fuck you, and fuck me, for playing along for so long, and fuck us all for trying to accept the lies we claim as sanity.
hello morning sun, bapti(ZE) me please.
when there's no one to talk with,
and the night is too quiet.
when the words were shallow
among being others things, like hollow and low and nice to save face, and cute and really most of all, shallow.
when the beer was plentiful the cigarettes well lit,
and when the laughter should have been there,
was forced to be there
but really wasn't.
when being called hot brings an easy smile but nothing more
when being called sexy drew, yeilds a forced giggle.
there is still no one to cry with.

and you'll know as i do now, that this is the begining.
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