A review for Out!, by J.L. Merrow

Dec 11, 2015 02:59

The main character in this book is Mark, who has just moved to a new town after taking a year off to take care of his teenager daughter from his failed marriage. Mark is definitely gay and definitely not confident to get out of the closet, much less now his daughter needs ground. However, he meets Patrick and it is almost instant love. Definitely instant attraction, which may be reciprocated. On the other hand, Patrick can't understand Mark's stubbornness in staying in the closet, even though it costs a possibly good relationship between the two of them.

This book has many good discussions surrounding social conscience, and not only problems people need to face due to their sexuality. And I should say I appreciated how each of them was treated. For times I was afraid the tone would come down to a lecture but the author knew how to present well the two sides and reach consensus. The rhythm is also good, events keep happening and the book still doesn't lose breath. I read thirstily until the epilogue and reached the acknowledgment section wishing there was at least a PS. I should note not because there was no ending but because it was that enjoyable. There is a proper ending, and I found it 100% complete.

Also, this is the third in a series I hadn't read before. I felt no need to check the other two stories, although the main characters do make a cameo here. Unfortunately, if you are a fan, their scenes aren't long or important. I think the Robert character wasn't even in a scene but only mentioned. I am sure all the adorable characters featured in this story do compensate for that fact.

I loved every one of them, drunk Barry, such a good friend who is David, boy-or-girl Lex but my favorite was Mark's daughter. At the beginning, when she was shown from Mark's memories only, I was preparing myself for the typical teenager forced to be annoying just so she'd sound her age. Little by little, though, I kept looking forward to her scenes.

This is a lovely story, and an easy read with a good portion of humor, going beyond others of its kind. Absolutely recommended! Being my first time reading anything by this author, I surely will read more from her.

review, books

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