Hello! Project's 2012 Year in Review

Dec 07, 2012 22:25

Just saw these questions in a H!P community. I don't really say anything there but I thought it would be fun to answer it for future checking.

2012 Year in Review

What was the most surprising thing?
Not sure I could say Aika's and Reina's graduation were that surprising but they were shocking... I should also mention One, Two, Three sale records and all of the boost they started getting since Ren'ai Hunter in Momusu's case. A third mention would be °C-ute's sales, they were superb for a group that didn't change in any way. On that topic, the self cover trends were surprising but... they were also disappointing. :( I would say I wasn't expecting Mano's graduation either.
Last, Chou Happy Song! That was superb, Tsnks xD

What was the most disappointing thing?
How Aika ended up. Now she's just there. She did get one release but it wasn't even the main act in the single, this really hurts.
Secondly, I could mention how the new break seems to have stopped in one, two, three. Even though Wakuteka's sales were way beyond the trend and the album sales were better, they could have improved much more.

Out of the new members, who's your favorite?
Even counting the ninth generation, I'd say Masaki! And I like all the attention she's been getting for making Reina open up to the members. And all the new names she's given everyone, lol.

Whose graduation are/were you most sad about?
Aika's, definitely Aika's. I've been ready for Niigaki's since forever and well, I'm frustrated about Reina's but it's okay. Now, Aika's......
And Mogi's, if I can call it a graduation :(

Which releases of 2012 were your favorites?
That's hard to pick... I'll say Chou Happy Song. I do think 2011 songs were kinda better for most groups.

Which releases of 2012 were your least favorites?
Aside from the albums and Mano Erina's singles because I don't usually care about those... Most of the releases grew on me, including Pyoco Pyoco but Cha Cha Sing did not. It just wasn't worse than Be Genki. Then again, I haven't listened to WANT.

Overall, which group had the best releases?
Morning Musume, for sure. Aside from Pyoco Pyoco, all of the three singles were superb.

Overall, which group had the worst releases?
Berryz Koubou.

What would you like to see more of in 2013?
More new members. Not a looot but more. And of course, more from the new members and from my favorites, lol. And more tv programs, more terrific sales... And a Buono! single, pleaaase!

What would you like to see less of in 2013?
Momochi. :x Really, stop that please.

What are your hopes for 2013?
-Airi's career gets even better, she's up there as vocal lead now and I know she'll never be the main lead but she is the best there. And my oshimen, lol. Plus, more dramas for her, Piece was a great pick, we need more of that.
-New member for S/mileage.
-12th gen including Cuca. Go!

What are your fears for 2013?
- Riho/Sakura led Morning Musume
- Mizuki/Erina/Kanon/Haruna graduation
- DAWA's graduation
worse: Airi or Kanyon's grad
I know Sayumi's will be at least announced for next year :(

I think that's it!

h!p, memes

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