Mirror, MirrorReturning to Montreal, I looked into a mirror: I have churches for eyes, a cobbled tongue, St. Laurent hair. It was the first time I ever realized in a thousand-flashing-lightbulb way the extent that the city's inscribed on my bones...Or, truer yet, that my skeleton's made of Montreal
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I didn't know you were a Quebecoise. Interessant.
Also, when are you joining my new shiny Canadian fandom?? How can I lure you??
And what's your new fandom? I've been in Montreal for the last couple of weeks (and the 'rents only have dial-up) so I'm hors du loop.
Now I must get ready for my monthly department meeting. Pity me! Now there's a group of people I wouldn't mind serving as Wraith food... *g*
I love the wraith. Lotrips did not have villains; evil does not really go with rps. It is lovely (yes, I choose that word with deliberation!) to have evil. I am currently writing wraith slash; it is very angsty, needless to sex but the feeding is just too deliciously like sex to be passed over. I am having wraith pov! And it's written all in capitals. And I'm giving them not a soul but an almost-soul. Because they're not evil from the inside; only their food finds them evil. And they are teh sexy, they really are, with their Goth leather coats and their Legolas hairdos and their little beards like something out of Marco Polo's travels ( ... )
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