
Oct 26, 2008 16:04

I had just parked my car and was on my way to a friend's house when I spied a hansom, giant, floppy, black-as-night, rabbit, hopping down Sunset Boulevard. This rabbit was lost. After much wrangling, mostly with 311 and the animal control people, I grabbed the bunny and tossed him into my car. There is only one animal control person for the whole of Los Angeles and they were on an emergency call. The woman on the phone talked me to the shelter which was way over on the other side of Chinatown. The bunny, whom I named Sunset, for his sleek black coat, (had considered Cecil B. De Bunny) rode comfortably in the passenger seat without protest, and would stand up on his hind legs to see when I would stop for a red light. He was a brave bunny, though he finally shivered a minute with fear when I stopped the car at the shelter.
Inside they asked me if I was interested in adopting, and had the owners not been outside searching with flashlights when I returned to my spot on Sunset, I would have driven this rabbit all the way back to New York with me. He was a very nice bunny. I gave the owners the information on where to fetch their rabbit, but Sunset had to spend the night in the slammer.
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