May 13, 2005 23:38
Today was a very relaxing day for me. The first thing I did when I got up was go to French Rivera. Jay was suppose to go with me, but I figured he was sleepin. Once I got there, I decided to kick my workouts up a notch since school is over and I have more energy. I began with a 6 minute walking warm-up. Then I ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Next I headed over to the bike and did 20 minutes, then 30 on the elliptical. After that I did some resistance training for about an hour, then I bounced. Once I got in my car and checked my cell Jay called me like right when I got into the gym, so we just missed each other. But it's all good, we can do it some other time.
I don't know why but lately I've been in a really pissy mood. Usually I'm really happy and upbeat, but for the last few days or whatever I've been snapping at any and everybody. One of the things I love about working out - I get out all my frustrations. Typically I'm in the best mood after I finish working out. It's like I funnel all my negative engergy out. It's a cool feeling.
Today was also payday. I was extra excited because the last 2 weeks (which reflected this paycheck) was my best pay period left. When I found out how much I made this pay period I was soooo excited. Since I've been selling so good lately my paycheck was double what it normally is - mad props to me. : )
I also stopped by the mall and bought a shirt I wanted. (I've noticed since French Rivera is right by the mall, I now go to the mall almost everyday and spend my money - but hey atleast I get some nice clothes.)
I also washed my hair today, which should have probably been done last week, but hey it's done. Although I will pay for it, cause on thursday I'm gettin a perm for graduation. Thats gonna burn like hell, but oh well.
I don't know, today was ok. Today was one of those days where I feel like I have alot to say, and I just wanted to have a really nice, long, in-depth conversation with someone, but there was no one around for me to talk to. I don't know, most of the times I listen to ppls problems or whatever, but today I just wish someone would have been there to listen to me. Oh well, what's meant to be will happen, so it'll all fall into place.
Anyways, I'm really tired and I don't know why. I have work tomorrow, and I'm goin to attempt (once again) to wash my car, in addition to go to French Rivera, plus shoot some hoops. I hope everyone has an enjoyable night, and I'll talk to ya'll lata.