Sep 12, 2003 08:00
I have about...8 minutes before I gotta leave for work, so I figured...why not update my journal?
Today, my friends, is Friday. And to that I say - PRAISE THE LORD!!! I am so excited, not only that its Friday, and therefore I have no classes (don't get jealous yet, I work 8:30-5), but b/c its Emerege! I am so excited - I have been waiting for a Seacoast retreat for quite a long time, and I can't wait. Life is still good, though I'm trying to figure out how to get myself more focued on God, and not on the 800,003, 423 other things I have to do.
Yesterday was Sept. 11th. I wasn't as upset as I was last year, but still, man. I can't imagine. On happier note, I found VITAMIN WATER!!! I am so exicted - its a little piece of NY Heaven!
OK, gotta go. Have a great weekend kids - God is good :)