Friends Only....text stolen from kyssme

May 22, 2006 07:59

i'm also cleaning out the Flist: if you haven't commented or updated in a long time, i'm deleting you from my flist. however, just let me know if you wanted to stay on!!! i know some folks like to read, but don't comment much :)

if you'd like to be added, comment here. i'll think about it. i won't add you just because you ask - i need to know who you are and why you'd like me to add you.

here's a few hints- if you are:

* homophobic

* racist

* judgemental

* under 18 years of age

* sexually uptight and/or easily offended

if you find that you fit into ANY of these categories, don't even try.

please, don't just add me without comment or explaination and expect that i'll add you back- i won't.

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friends only

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