First impression on Season 7 of Buffy

May 29, 2006 09:09

Yesterday, I watched season 7 up and including episode 12.

- In the beginning, all the characters felt like strangers. It bothered me a bit at first, but I got to know then again. I think it wasn't just my long break in watching the show that gave me this impression, it was that everyone has been changed by what happened in season 6.

Cut for spoilers in case someone hasn't seen the show yet...

- I love how the relationship between Buffy and Spike is changing and evolving. Love it. IMO, their interactions are the highlights of season 7 so far.

- I like the overall plot of Buffy versus the First and the introduction of the potentials.

- I find Wood quite fascinating. (Due to reading some fanfiction I think I've guessed who he is, i.e. to who he is related.)

- I really like Amanda.

- Also like Kennedy, because she's sensible and considers trying a viable option. (Not that Yoda would agree. *g*)
Am I imagining things or does Kennedy have the hots for Willow? (The look on the stairs, the sleeping arrangements, worrying about her when Willow has problems with a spell... Most interesting.)
Anyway, from what I've seen in polls, Kennedy is a character a lot of fans strongly dislike. We'll see if I change my opinion further down the line.

- What I not like in season 7, is that they are rushing through some plot lines. Sometimes I feel as if I missed some scenes...
E.g. we learn that the Scoobies know that Andrew killed Jonathan, but there is no scene where he actually makes this confession. Or is there? Because, IMO, this would have been a scene we needed to see.
Or we see that Giles gets attacked, but we don't see how he gets out of this difficult situation. I still kind of expect to learn that he is dead and that he's the First in disguise. Yeah, I know it's unlikely, but why don't we see how he defended himself. Weird.
I had the same rushed feeling regarding the Council Headquarter being blown up. It just didn't really hit me until I learned most of their books had burned.

- My favorites so far are "Selfless" and "Conversations with Dead People" - both first class episodes - followed by "Sleeper".

By now, I'm about 30 reviews behind. Since this week will be *very* busy and I will go on a road trip in Canada during June, there most likely won't be (m)any updates till July. I do plan to finish my series of reviews, though.


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