SW: The "Why does Padmé love Anakin?" discussion

Jul 05, 2005 22:41

Apparently there was some debate on why Padmé loves Anakin. In response to this vadersangel wrote down a list of reasons:

The list makes some interesting points, though I do not agree with point 2 ("There is nothing more attractive than someone in love with you.") at all. In fact, having someone on love with you who you can't love back, is usually a very bad thing.
It struck me though that none of the reasons I would have given were listed. I think this shows that the Anakin/Padmé relationship is much more complex than some fans believe.

So here are my reasons:

A really important point is that Anakin sees not the Queen of Naboo or Senator Amidala when he looks at her, he sees Padmé. With Anakin, Padmé can be herself. I believe whenever we see her smile in one of the movies, it happens when she's together with him. All of Padmé's smiles I can remember are aimed at Anakin. This even starts as far back as episode I, e.g. she smiles at him in her handmaiden disguise when they meet Palpatine for the first time, she smiles at him during the celebration at the end of part I. She laughs at his jokes in episode II. I don't think we ever see her more relaxed as when she's with Anakin.

Padmé and Anakin are both idealists. Padmé wants to make things better by her political work. Anakin wants to fix things, he wants to stop people from dying. (In the beginning, Anakin's wish to protect people is a good wish. It's twisted around though when he only starts to protect the people he loves and is willing to sacrifice the rest of the galaxy for this goal.)

I think that Anakin has a very fascinating quality. cupiscent wrote in one of her stories: "Whatever Anakin did, he did ferociously." He really totally focuses on whatever he does - whether he flies or fights, he does it with all his heart. And when he loves, he does it whole heartedly as well. There are no half measures for him, for good or bad. IMO this quality can be very attractive. A bit scary maybe, but attractive too.

Despite of this intensity Anakin has a mischievous streak. He doesn't only make Padmé smile, he also makes her laugh out loud. Just think about the picknick scene: I don't think Padmé had as much fun as that in a long, long time. Anakin balances Padmé's seriousness.
(His sense of mischief even rubs of on Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is pretty tied up in episode I, in episode II we see he has a sense of humor and in episode III he has become quite reckless as can be seen during his big fight with Grievous or when he looses his lightsaber. The ROTS novelization states this out clearly, too.)

Anakin is also honest and courageous. Padmé shares these qualities and would definitely appreciate them in another person.

padme, star_wars, anakin_skywalker

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