Personality Test

May 27, 2005 14:56

Hm, part 1 and 2 are pretty much correct. Part 3 is partly correct.

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thalia_seawood May 28 2005, 12:04:47 UTC
Yes, I've seen that. Saw the test on your journal and had to take it as well. :-)
Read the description and while some things are correct, others are very wrong. E.g. I'm much more of a talker than a listener and I enjoy facts and logic. And the section about how they deal with conflicts doesn't fit me at all.

I usually test as INFJ and this description is spot-on:
I can get lost in details and forget the larger picture. (The detail orientation is quite obvious in my movie reviews. I always seem to talk about the larger themes in the end.)
Also my intuitions are legendary among my collegues and friends. :-)


Star Wars fanfiction

Oh yes, I know fernwithy's fiction. It's excellent!
Check out her homepage:

I highly recommend the "Father's Heart" series and "The Uprising".
"The Ascension of the Queen" and "By the Grace of Lady Vader" is an outstanding AU.
And read "The Penitent" when you need cheering up after ROTS.

All stories were written after TMP and before AOTC, I think. So not everything fits with canon, but I don't mind.

Oh, and fernwithy's essays on the same page are worth reading too.

If you enjoy Vader/Luke interaction and want to read something more light-hearted yet still engaging, you should check out Kitt's webpage:

Also recommened are stories by geo3:


stephantom May 28 2005, 17:37:08 UTC
Ah, INFJ makes sense then. My friend is one also. See, details are things I seem to never figure out. In a movie or book I'll zone in on some details - but that's because of what they mean in the larger picture. Most of the time I tend to forget important details in every-day-life. Which results in me always being late and a mess. :) The conflict part of the description actually doesn't apply to me either, though - unless it's a really big conflict. I tend to love to argue, and don't often back down. (If I wasn't INFP, the next bet would be ENFP I think.)

And thanks for all the recs! I just finished "Father's Heart" actually, and really enjoyed it. I'll have to look at the rest.


thalia_seawood May 30 2005, 19:30:20 UTC
"Father's Heart" made me realize how much alike Vader/Anakin and Leia are in some respects.

In ANH, I found it very interesting that she doesn't shy away from Vader when Alderaan is destroyed. He tries to break her mentally before that scene, but she doesn't back away from him. In fact she seems to lean into him. I watched that scene a couple of times and it puzzles me.

Another moment I see the similarity is when she commands the troops on Hoth with her hands on her hips.

"The Penitent" uses information from "Father's Heart" so it makes sense to read it afterwards.
"The Uprising" is a great short story that's also referred to in "The Penitent".


stephantom May 30 2005, 23:39:10 UTC
Yeah, I also realized their similarities through reading that. She has such a good handle on the characters. It's great.

Also, I watched ANH the other day and noticed that Leia and Vader's interaction in the movie really does leave the "Father's Heart" plot completely plausible. That little floaty thing, I had always thought was going to torture her or something, but I realized from the conversation Vader and Tarkin have after that it was probably more like a truth serum or something, and that Vader seems pretty hesitant about whatever method Tarkin might use.

I've started reading "The Penitent" and I love it.

And uh, on the subject of personality types and Star Wars, I uh... the other day tried to pin down what a few of the characters are (I'm such a fricking dork.) So what I came up with is:

Obi-Wan: INTJ
Qui-Gon: INFP
Anakin: INFJ
Padme: ENFJ
Luke: ENFP
Leia: ENTJ


thalia_seawood May 31 2005, 21:30:30 UTC
I love assigning personality types to fictional characters. (I did that for some of the POTC characters months ago. Since I know the enneagramm types much better, I usually stick to them.) Seems you're not the only dork around. :)

Myer-Briggs isn't my speciality, but I think how you assigned the types makes a lot of sense.
Funny that you type Anakin as INFJ (i.e. same type as me) since he's the character I identify with mostly strongly.

How would you type Shmi? INFP? ENFP?
Why do you see Qui-Gon as introverted in feeling and not extroverted? He could be ENFP (like Luke) whereas Shmi might be INFP.
Also find it interesting that you see Anakin as introverted and Luke as extroverted. Anakin seems to be very open during TPM, but has become quite introverted by episode II.


stephantom May 31 2005, 22:43:29 UTC
Oh, I'm glad you do it too. lol.

Anakin was definitely the hardest to pin down, and I am still not sure about INFJ for him.

Qui-Gon, yeah I was actually going back and forth between INFP and ENFP for a while. But Introverted doesn't necessarily mean shy, which he is not, it can just be reserved and aloof, even if personable. And INFP's, while described as being "gentle souls" are also noted for being rather nonconformist and passionately dedicated to their ideals. Which really fits Qui-Gon.

Luke might also be an INFP... Like Anakin, he starts out very chatty, and then gets quiet. Maybe they're both actually Extroverts, but simply learn to hold back -- or maybe they're actually Introverts and have to mature into their true identity... Your personality type isn't really supposed to change over time, but many people tend to be more extroverted as kids I think.

But maybe Luke is an INFP. And maybe Anakin is actually an ENFP... Or ENFJ... The J and P thing is difficult to decide for him either. Perceiving usually means a person is more laidback and easy-going, disorganized, impulsive - while Juding usually means a person is more controlled, neat, orderly, detail-oriented... Anakin seems to be more of a "free spirit" kind of person that gets kind of smothered by the highly structred world of the Jedi -- but at the same time, he's a person with pretty black and white views who feels strongly about how the world should work, with sort of rightist ideas about centralized government and structure and enforcement and decisive action and stuff, you know?

He's a very paradoxical person...

And Shmi, I don't know... She could also be an INFP... Or maybe an ISFJ.

You know, I just started reading "ISFP" for Shmi and I think it might be Anakin. Because he's a Jedi, I naturally want to think he's "Intuitive" but just because he has Jedi super-intuition... I mean, with Jedi that's more of a skill than a personality trait really. In terms of human interaction, he's actually not all that intuitive; that is, he doesn't easily discern people's feelings or motives... as seen in his overt trust of Palpatine.

I like all the descriptions on that webpage better than that other one I showed you actually.

Hmm, Obi-Wan could very well be an INTP...

See, this is very difficult. lol. I keep going back and forth.

This webpage actually gives what type of relationship each type has with each other too, which is nice. ISFP's and INTP's are, to each other, an Enigma, which works well for Obi and Ani.

The more I think about it, the more I think ISFP must be the one for Anakin. Yesterday I tried to find the personality types of like a million fictioal characters and do you know which two were left alone with little confused asterisks? Anakin Skywalker and Erik. I once typed Erik as ISFP and then took it back, but reading it again, I've decided they must both be that type. A very passionate, yet aloof, competitive, sensual, artistic type...

Many of these are questionable...

Luke Skywalker
James Potter

Valentine Wiggin
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jane Eyre
Mr. Rochester

King Arthur
Padme Amidala

Frodo Baggins

Rey Curtis
James Norrington

Nadir Khan

Raoul de Chagny
Jay Gatsby

Sir Lancelot
Samwise Gamgee
Christine Daae
Schmi Skywalker
Owen Lars

Jack McCoy
Peter Wiggin
Jack Sparrow
Merry Brandybuck

Ender Wiggin
Kevin Harper the Merlin
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin

Leia (Skywalker) Organa Solo
Hermione Granger

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Elrond Peredhil
Mr. Darcy
Tom Riddle
Nick Carraway

Han Solo
Jack Merridew
Sirius Black
Fred Weasley
George Weasley

Lennie Briscoe
Ron Weasley

Elizabeth Swan
Will Turner
Pippin Took

Anakin Skywalker


thalia_seawood June 8 2005, 16:23:24 UTC
Hi! Haven't replied yet, because I'm still researching the topic. Just wanted to say I find your thoughts on this very interesting and will write a response as soon as I really have something to add. :-)


stephantom July 13 2005, 03:26:18 UTC
Changed my mind again.

Anakin: ESFJ or ENFJ
Obi-Wan: INTP or INTJ
Qui-Gon: ENFP or INFP
Luke: INFP

I'm pretty sure about those anyway.


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