Interviews Whee!!!

Apr 16, 2005 13:56

Okay, I’ll bite for this meme ( Read more... )

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wandering_fool April 18 2005, 20:16:25 UTC
1) You seem to have developed a really great relationship with Dan. What about his teaching style/personality allowed him to reach you as a student?

I actually never had Dan as a teacher, he was one of my freshman football coaches. As far as his personality goes...he was just so open. I knew I could (and did sometimes) go to the middle school after the season was over and chat with him a bit. Just the fact that he would sit there and talk to me without sending out a vibe of annoyance or impatience was incredible and it's something I've never forgotten.

2) It seems that you are simultaneously grounded in your own faith and accepting and supportive of others who do not share your views. What about your faith journey allowed you to come to such a balanced place?

This is a hard question to answer...but I'll try. Forgive me if I go on for awhile.

Well, earlier on it mostly came from my pops. He's as supportive an individual as I've ever met. He always stressed the fact that even though you may disagree with someone's lifestyle, you are not the person to change them. The bible says that we are supposed to love like Christ loved which is unbiased and unconditional. So...I grew up thinking that and knowing in both my heart and my head that it's true.

Once I moved to California, I was very hard pressed to stick to those guns. I disagree with everything other than heterosexuality based on many factors and when you are getting hit on by other males when you are not used to it in the slightest, it's hard for you to love those people unconditionally.

It was only after getting a tattoo, getting my ears pierced and streched, piercing my lip, and rebeling from my current faith structure (not to mention coming home for christmas and having to deal with the reaction of my family to my physical appearance) that I realized that anything differant from the "norm" is looked at with scorn and distaste and after realizing that and wrapping my brain around the concept, I made a vow to love people as much as I possibly can whether I agree with them or not.

It's hard, and sometimes I don't want to. Especially when people who disagree with my disapproval of say, a homosexual lifestyle, get in my face and say that I am a close-minded, right-wing, conservative christian who dosen't know about how hard it is to be the way they when in reality, they have absolutely no idea how much crap I get from within my own church about my physical apprearance and lifestyle choices. Not to mention how hard it is to be an outspoken christian in this day and time.

Oh pops has since gotten over the ink on my arm and the holes in my ears and had asked me to forgive him for the way he reacted. That was pretty dang cool.

3) If you could spend an hour with someone who is no longer living (family member, famous person, whoever...), who would you want to spend time with and what would you want to do with him/her?

I could say someone like Christ or some famous celebrity or historical figure, but when it comes down to it, I would want to spend an hour with my mom. I miss her so much it makes my heart hurt to even type this. All I would want to do it sit and talk with her about things I never got to before she died and get hugged again. That's all.

4) Who is one living famous person who you feel sets an excellent example for young people? Why do you think that this person is a good role model?

I think that Bono does a great job. He gives of his money and time to change as much injustice as he can. That's both awesome and humbling. (He makes good music too...)

5) You once said that you thought that I was scared of you when I first met you. What did I do that made you think that?

Just the simple look on your face when I called you by name when I walked in. You looked so surprised and caught off guard that I felt bad. Sometimes I forget how big and kinda scary looking I am...especially to people who don't know me that well yet.



thalia12 April 18 2005, 21:09:04 UTC
I don't think that I knew about your mom passing. I'm sorry about that. I would've been more sensitive.
I was probably more caught off guard when I met you than scared. It is strange when someone you don't think you know knows your name :) Though I am getting more and more used to this. I always just sort of feel I should know that person too. I was probably trying to figure out why I should know you and feeling bad that I couldn't remember your name.


wandering_fool April 19 2005, 18:30:25 UTC
No worries...I'm fairly used to talking about it now. (it's been about 10 years)

I totally understand about the name thing though. Playing bass in a band and at church means that more people know me by name than I have met. It's slightly unnerving.


thalia12 April 19 2005, 18:36:21 UTC
I've started to get sort of used to it with the summer theatre program. Basically, if an adult comes up to me who knows my name and is the appropriate age to be the parent of a 6-18-year-old, s/he must be one of the many parents who I (shamefully) do not know as well as I know their children. You threw me off, because you were not in that age range...Then, I had to wonder if you were one of my former students...which would have been even more embarassing. So, when's your band going to do a rockin' acoustic set at Hot Diggity!?


wandering_fool April 19 2005, 19:14:34 UTC
When our lead singer gets back from Afganistan and Iraq ;-)


thalia12 April 19 2005, 19:22:05 UTC


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