Feb 01, 2005 13:28
Ohhh Tuesday. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday. You see, Tuesdays make me grumpy for several reasons. Number one they trick me. Thursdays are my last day of the week, and they are the same as my Tuesdays. So often times, I feel like it should be the weekend on Tuesdays. What a disappointment. Also, nothing cool happens on Tuesdays. Its not even remotely close to the weekend, and you don't feel the fresh monday feeling you got from relaxing over the weekend. No, Tuesdays don't do anything for me. Simply put: They suck.
I hope you liked my intro! Hehe, i'm sort of grumpy but mostly because certain people make me cranky. I feel like I don't ask for much from people, but even that is too much, I guess. I don't know. People sure no how to ruin my day.
I had a holistics exam today. Humph. I'm not sure how I did. About half of it was super easy, but then there were a fair amount of completely retarded questions. Its the kind of test that intentionally tries to trick you. Like all of the potential answers are soooo similar, you have to re-read them like a million times to find a difference. But hopefully i did well. We shall see.
I'm going tanning in about a half hour, and then I'm heading to meijer. I started tanning yesterday because I'm sick of feeling ugly/pasty/flabby. I'm going to go work out with my girl Bethany at 5:15 so that will take care of the flabby tum that desperately needs to be toned! But yeah, so thats my evening.
Alright well my tanning/meijer partner has returned home so I am going to be off now! Have a GREAT one!! Byeeeeee <3