'There is a pleasure in the pathless woods / There is a rapture on the lonely shore'

Sep 13, 2011 00:32

Well, about the test... I did turn off the computer and began reading in bed, but it turns out I was much more exhausted than I thought, and ending up falling asleep during the second story. I woke up at almost exactly 7am (which is amazing, considering I hadn't turned on my alarm) with my bedside light still on and the story laying by my head. I was so confused, and couldn't tell at first whether or not I had actually finished the damn thing or not, until I looked at it and realised I hadn't. Gah! Well, at least we only had to write on one of the stories, so I chose the one I actually got through. I was still tired at 9am though and hadn't prepared as much as I should have, so I did pretty badly I think. I mean it was a fairly easy thing to write but I don't think I wrote nearly enough. *sigh* Not looking forward to getting that back...

But other than that, I had a nice day. I'm studying A Midsummer Night's Dream in Shakespeare class which is a lot of fun- I've never read it before and I'm liking it a lot. :D In Dark Hero we're studying Lord Byron's works, which I have yet to read but should be interesting (whether in a bad or good way, we shall see), and in Short Fiction I'm doing my tutorial presentation this week on Metamorphoses, by Franz Kafka. For anyone who doesn't know, it's the story of a man who wakes up one day to find himself turned into a giant insect, and it's pretty much as horrifying as it sounds. I'm up to the third part of the story and, though it's an extremely uncomfortable book to read, I'm loving it. It's so amazing.

The rest of my day was spent with a lovely lunch/chat with rdm_ation, in student theatre chatting and travelling to the costume room to put things away, and talking to a girl about the Shakespeare Society's committee. They're having their AGM soon to elect new members and I was thinking of putting my name up... the people I know who are a part of it are really lovely and I think it could be interesting/fun. I might think about it a bit more first, but we'll see!

Other than that, I'm seeing my bestie Sarah tomorrow for chocolate cafe times, and I really want to book in for a haircut sometime on Wednesday- two weeks of hair spray that has deadened my hair and a general need for change have made me decide on quite a difference from the semi-long hair that I have at the moment. Will post photos (hopefully) soon when it is done. :) Also I need to talk to my tutor about my upcoming essay and see dad so we can watch Doctor Who and Shakespeare, and I think my sis wants to go out to karaoke very soon as well. Suffice to say this week is looking to be a busy one!

Okay, I'll leave it there- end of Much Ado shenanigans will be in another post when I've taken photos of certain lovely things I want to share about it. Night all! ♥

books, university, real life, study

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