I'm feeling a bit strange at the moment. I've had an odd day overall- it was nice because of the sunny weather and the pleasant laziness and
this, but it was also not so nice because of all the family goss I've somehow come to learn about all in one day. I dunno how that happened, but it's sort of stressed me out, and now I feel a bit eh.
Well, about the family stuff, it's all from my mum's side. I found out today that my uncle has throat cancer, and went in for tests today to find out if it's benign or malignant. I don't know him very well or feel that close to him, but it's not nice news all the same. Though, it's also not very surprising news, given the way that he treats his body- to the point where when he turned 60 not too long ago most people saw this as an achievement. Oh dear.
My nanna has been... well, showing signs of her age, I guess. Her fridge exploded, but she hasn't turned it off and it's still working intermittently, but mum's been stressing out about it. If your fridge explodes, you turn it off at the wall at least. And now that mum's convinced her to buy a new one, she's become stubborn about waiting for mum to come back from NT next week so that they can go out and buy one together (even though my aunt is willing and ready to take her at any time). So mum's expecting to come back from NT with news that my nanna's house has burnt down and my uncle has died. WONDERFUL. *laughs bitterly*
And, I also found out that my aunt is thinking of leaving my uncle. I feel pretty sad about this. They're the two I and my sister love the most out of our aunts and uncles, always so gentle and kind- we always thought when we were kids that, if we were to be orphaned, we would like to be with them the most. Semi-consciously I put them on a bit of a pedestal as to what would be the perfect relationship, because they were both so sweet and never had conflict. I'm older now and see that that isn't completely true, but it still affected me finding that out. This is going to sound worse than it actually is, but I've been losing faith in relationships and love lately, and finding this out didn't really make things better.
Eh, I've written too much about silly family things. SO MUCH DRAMA.
Anyway, to other things: I saw Harry Potter last Wednesday at 12am. For once, it completely rocked being in Australia for a movie. I don't think we've ever had a movie come out earlier here than most of the Northern Hemisphere ever. I won't say much about it cause I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I'll suffice to say, fucking. brilliant. They really went all out on this one. It was epic and well done, gut-wrenching and laugh-out-loud funny, cinematically beautiful and everything in between. Me being me, I cried for a good portion of the film, especially when it focused on Snape (and I'm not even a big fan of the character, but Alan Rickman, my god). The epilogue was hilarious, and pretty much a lot like the epilogue. I think I'll leave it there, but man, I desperately want to watch it again. Hope you all love it as much as I did!
Also, I saw it with friends and pretty much all of us dressed up- there was a Molly Weasley, there was a Trelawney, there was a Bellatrix, there was even a Hedwig (mega lols), and I dressed up as a Hufflepuff. I found a big yellow cape in my costume bag?! I think it was meant to be. Twas a very nice night :)
I'll leave it there because I ranted on too much about family. I hope you're all smiling, well-fed, and being snuggled by someone special. ♥