Now that I'm free/rested up/sobered up, I thought I should show myself again in these waters! How are you all?? ♥
✖ The play went AMAZINGLY! If I may say so myself. The second week was completely sold out with waiting lists- something almost unheard of at Student Theatre! We got lots of laughs, cheers and even tears. It was a really really wonderful two weeks, even with assignments and tests galore.
✖ Which also went okay-ish! xD; I passed everything this semester except for two small tests, which I can't complain over. Nevertheless, it's quite a change to school when I prided myself on doing well, and 'just passing' didn't even come into my head. Oh how things have changed!
✖ Saturday was closing night for the play, after which we all had to clean up everything- the entire theatre, the workshop/backstage, the office, the costume room and the Shakespeare office. As the play ends at around 11, we didn't finish cleaning up until almost 3am. xD And after that was the AFTERPARTY!
✖ Which was just AWESOME FUN :D It was at two of the cast members' house, and this is what I remember: receiving an envelope full of photos of the play (hopefully someone scans them in so I can show you!!), singing along with lots of people as my insanely lovely and cool friend Fiona played her guitar (she's doing guitar at uni, so she's CRAZY GOOD), then singing a cappella Bad Romance with Trelawney, having drunk conversations with my new director about the show he's cast me in (asljk) and how my audition went, then watching the sun rise in a sleeping bag on a couch on the front porch with Fiona and Josh. I think I may have had all of one hour's sleep around 9-10, before hazily going home and crashing. PRETTY GOOD NIGHT HUH XD
✖ But but but yes, as I've said I got into one of the plays for next semester!! YES! I was really worried that I wouldn't get in, because student theatre has sort of been my life this year (as I'm sure you've been able to tell lol). But it's allll good now :') And I have a bigger role than last time! Which makes sense I guess, since the cast is of about 9 instead of 26... xD But yeah, WOOO :D This time round I'll try to be better organised with work and friends. !!!
✖ Now all I've got is exams, starting next week. Looking forward to my time off! I'm realllly in the mood to write something, but don't know what to write about. Give me an idea somebody!
✖ Also, the play was recorded, so hopefully I can get a copy and show you guys.
wooden_buttons, be excited xD
I GOT INTO THE PAPER LOLOLOL. The local paper always does a writeup on the plays being put on by the university, and since I was the only resident of my suburb available, I did the interview xD It was fun!
✖ Ok, that ended up being longer than expected... :D! I LOVE YOU ALL! ♥