Haha I went to the beach today and now apparently my back has been burnt brown D: I DID PUT SUNSCREEN ON BTW! Stupid summer xD
Ooo ooo! I watched 1582 too last night! Kame's perf was so bloody epic :O What is with our JE boys dressing up in kimonos and wearing lipstick though? LOL...
ROALD DAHL FTW! My favourite is probably James and the Giant Peach or Matilda :DD Fantastic Mr Fox seems to have been made into a movie too so i'm gonna try and check that out soon if it ever comes out in Aus >w<"
Aw bummer!! DAMN YOU SUNSCREEN! XD Yeah, and stupid Australia for being so goddamn sunny xD
Ooo! :D It was so good right!! And ahaaa idk but I like it XDD /bombed/ That and falling from the top of Tokyo Dome... which I don't like as much, lol D:
HECK YES!! :D Oh wow so many people like James and the Giant Peach, I don't actually remember it that much :x But OMG MATILDA ♥ I loved the movie too djfbg :'D And yeah I heard that!! Hopefully it comes out here ne >w
Lol i'm starting to peel now...it's horrible xD I guess the beach and me were just not meant to be xD
Haha it was cool when he was standing ontop of the umbrella with the water spurting up under him ♥ Wonder whether or not this particular recording of BtR has Jin's weird mention about his...ahem..."stick" from Mars :O
Mmm I remember mainly the movie though because it was pretty cool...I think it was half animated half live action? :\ OMG SAME HERE! ♥ I get so excited when Ch.10 does its annual re-run of Matilda LOL...
TEEHEE! xD I still remember that epic scene on the haunted boat or something? O_____o Or maybe i'm remembering wrong xD Btw, watched New Moon today on the comp. Holy moly...my eyes bled.
Ohhhh yeah I kinda remember that! And and them inside the peach and they're eating it? YEAHH :D And oh my... you poor dear. I understand your pain T___T ♥
LOLOL I DIED WATCHING IT XD So freaking hilarious, he so loves all that fangirly attention though xDD; ikr! XD
Yeah that's true, Jacob isn't half as bad as Edward. xD But the constant toplessness made me lol! XD And hahaha yeah, Edward fail and his uneven nipple....no I'm serious. IT TRIPPED ME OUT *bombed out of sight*
Haha well yes, the obvious need to attract creepy Taylor Lautner fangirls into the cinema to see his toplessness was abit too much for me haha...muscle...ewww/shot/ ROFL OMG SERIOUS? Wow, you pay ALOT of attention to detail my friend. TOO MUCH EVEN. D:
Bahaha yeah, creeped out that Jin's taking it... so seriously... XD
Pff yep XD It was too good AGREED! /shot with you/ YES I AM, BUT IT WAS POINTED OUT TO ME BY ANOTHER, I SWEAR XDD It's kind of hard not to notice once you're told haha xD LOL DON'T JUDGE ME /jumps out a window/ XD♥
Ooo ooo! I watched 1582 too last night! Kame's perf was so bloody epic :O What is with our JE boys dressing up in kimonos and wearing lipstick though? LOL...
ROALD DAHL FTW! My favourite is probably James and the Giant Peach or Matilda :DD Fantastic Mr Fox seems to have been made into a movie too so i'm gonna try and check that out soon if it ever comes out in Aus >w<"
Ooo! :D It was so good right!! And ahaaa idk but I like it XDD /bombed/ That and falling from the top of Tokyo Dome... which I don't like as much, lol D:
HECK YES!! :D Oh wow so many people like James and the Giant Peach, I don't actually remember it that much :x But OMG MATILDA ♥ I loved the movie too djfbg :'D And yeah I heard that!! Hopefully it comes out here ne >w
Haha it was cool when he was standing ontop of the umbrella with the water spurting up under him ♥ Wonder whether or not this particular recording of BtR has Jin's weird mention about his...ahem..."stick" from Mars :O
Mmm I remember mainly the movie though because it was pretty cool...I think it was half animated half live action? :\ OMG SAME HERE! ♥ I get so excited when Ch.10 does its annual re-run of Matilda LOL...
Yeah that was awesome! ♥ And...what?! Jin's...what?!? XD What the heck was that weirdo on about this time?! XD;
Oh yeah I loved the movie too :'D ~my naaaame is jaaames~ xD /shot/ Oh yeah that's right :D LOL YES ME TOO! ♥
TEEHEE! xD I still remember that epic scene on the haunted boat or something? O_____o Or maybe i'm remembering wrong xD Btw, watched New Moon today on the comp. Holy moly...my eyes bled.
i can relate ;_____;
Bella: ..............vampire.
Ohhhh yeah I kinda remember that! And and them inside the peach and they're eating it? YEAHH :D And oh my... you poor dear. I understand your pain T___T ♥
Btw haha, at least it was 3/4 Jacob. Surprisingly I didn't mind Taylor Lautner much xD It was just Edward's sprayed on abs which got to me abit xD
Yeah that's true, Jacob isn't half as bad as Edward. xD But the constant toplessness made me lol! XD And hahaha yeah, Edward fail and his uneven nipple....no I'm serious. IT TRIPPED ME OUT *bombed out of sight*
Haha well yes, the obvious need to attract creepy Taylor Lautner fangirls into the cinema to see his toplessness was abit too much for me haha...muscle...ewww/shot/ ROFL OMG SERIOUS? Wow, you pay ALOT of attention to detail my friend. TOO MUCH EVEN. D:
Pff yep XD It was too good AGREED! /shot with you/ YES I AM, BUT IT WAS POINTED OUT TO ME BY ANOTHER, I SWEAR XDD It's kind of hard not to notice once you're told haha xD LOL DON'T JUDGE ME /jumps out a window/ XD♥
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