Apr 15, 2005 17:13
I really really really hope this is a good weekend. Virgil (from Costa Rica!!) just called, and he's down at Sweetwater, and heading to the south end to surf for a while, then coming over here. I'm so excited to see him again, he was the most normal out of the people we met, I think.
I had a pretty good week though, minus the parking ticket incident. I'll start out with that. A few Thursdays ago, I got a parking ticket. Right before I left for St. Louis. Anyway, I put $50 on my SeaCard to cover it, since I'd been doing that all year every few months to pay for food on campus. It was going to be my little sneaky thing so I wouldn't have to pay for it. Damn karma. I'm really starting to believe in it. Anyway, so I went to pay for it the next day before I left, and it takes a while for it to show up on your record. Damn. So I went in one afternoon this week, and THE FUCKING CASHIER'S OFFICE DOES NOT ACCEPT SEACARDS!!!! What crap is that?!?!? Only "Visa, Mastercard, check, or cash." Fuck you, school. Ferreal, they really don't think things through completely. Like scheduling upper level classes for the same major at the same time. Really. Although I didn't have any problems with that this semester - thankfully.
I was so tired Weds morning I slept in and skipped my 9 (whoops) and went to my other classes. It was still a good day. Rainy, though, I think.
------Laundry run-----