Square root day is a humorous
holiday celebrated on dates where the day and the month are both the
square root of the last two
digits in the current year.
[1] For example, the last square root day was
March 3,
2009 (3/3/09), and the next square root day will be
April 4,
2016 (4/4/16). The final square root day of the century will occur on
September 9,
2081. Square root days fall upon the same nine dates each century.
Ron Gordon, a
Redwood City, California high school teacher, first created the day for 9/9/81. Gordon is the official
public relations person and sends
news releases to world
media outlets
[2]. In addition, his daughter has got in on the act and set up a Facebook page for people to share how they were celebrating the day
So take some carrots or some radishes and make them square shaped for today!!