(no subject)

Dec 09, 2011 12:21

 A Daring Rescue (Jazz-style)

Author: Thalanee
Verse: It’s A Game (AU)
Word Count: 2100
Rating: pg- 13
Warnings: more crack! And lots of fluff. As usual ne eating or drinking while reading ;P
Disclaimer: How I wish they were mine, but they are not

Summary: Remember Jazz’s daring rescue of Prowl mentioned in the last chapter? This is what happened.
Author’s Notes: Damn you bunny, I’m supposed to be working on a paper for my processor, not writing! *sigh* Oh well, I always write best when I’m supposed to be doing something else… like studying XD


The explosions were coming nearer.

Another minute and the source of the maniacal laughter accompanying the noise of things going boom would stand in front of Prowl’s cell door, provided there was no one left who was dumb enough to get in the saboteur’s way. They should all know better by now, actually.

This wasn’t the first time Jazz rescued him from a Decepticon prison after all. They all knew what was going to happen, if they stood in the saboteur’s way. The first time a Decepticon had made the mistake of capturing Prowl, Jazz had almost literally gone on a rampage after stealing Wheeljacks’s newest invention (despite the fact that he didn’t even know what it did, he just counted on what everyone called the ‘Jack-effect, meaning that it would explode in a surprising and spectacular manner no matter what it was actually meant to do) and singlehandedly transformed Shockwave’s primary stronghold into a forlornly smoking pile of rubble.

To this date Prowl still had to clamp down irrational giggle fits at the memory of Shockwave standing there looking and pointing at what had been his base, whimpering every now and then, unable to actually say anything or express his horror otherwise.

And judging by the shrieks of terror and the general sounds of destruction everything was going as usual. The guards in front of his cell were shifting nervously, watching the door with dread. Soon it was suspiciously quiet outside.

Exchanging uneasy looks the two mechs tentatively moved towards the door a couple of steps, holding their weapons in a tight grip.

“Do you think he’s gone?” one of them whispered hesitantly.

“As if we could ever be that lucky,” Dead End moaned, his usual fatalistic outlook getting away with him. “Judging from the sounds he’s already laid waste to the entire base and now he’s coming here. We’re doomed.”

“You can’t know that,” the other guard meekly protested, though he didn’t sound as if he believed his own words… “Maybe it’s so quiet, because the others stopped him.”

“Oh no, he’s just outside that door, laying in wait for the perfect moment to strike, and when he does, we’re gonna die!” Dead End morosely replied. He just knew it was going to happen. Why shouldn’t it? After all he always seemed to attract the worst luck possible. Ever since he had found out it was actually possible for a character in the game to die, he had known this day was coming!

As if the universe was trying to prove him right there came the loud thump of something heavy hitting the door to the brig.

Yelping loudly in surprise the two unfortunate ‘Cons leaped back to where they had stood before, warily eyeing the entrance to their hideout.

With a bang the door flew open and in its frame stood the more black than white form of a fiendishly grinning Jazz, his silhouette outlined by the light streaming through the door, the sharp visor glowing blue.

Shrieking in a high pitch at the tops of their vocalizers the two guards let go of their weapons and clung to each other desperately, while Jazz stalked closer. The grin on his face gave him the look of someone slightly deranged. That he was chuckling evilly didn’t make things any better. For every step the saboteur took, the guards retreated one, until their backs bumped into the bars of Prowl’s cell. Still Jazz came closer, the glare in his visor becoming more pronounced when he saw that Prowl had actually been strung up by his wrists.

When Dead End heard Jazz snarling he couldn’t take it anymore. He broke down. “Please, don’t kill me, I swear I had nothing to do with that, it wasn’t my idea, I was just told to guard the prisoner. You can have the keys, here!” Drawing the key card from his subspace he held it out to Jazz with a look so woeful, that it would have done Bluestreak proud.

Stunned Jazz did his best to keep from laughing. As if he’d ever really kill anyone, this game was supposed to be fun, not a real competition. However that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take advantage of the situation…

Giving his best menacing growl, he loomed over the two Decepticons after snatching the key card and snarled, “Get out of ma way.” Suffice to say that he had never seen a bot run so fast, as those two were now, Dead End still shrieking something about the end of the world while they hightailed it out of the base, leaving Prowl and Jazz alone.

“Lookin’ real good there, Prowler, Ah gotta remember this one for when we log off the game,” Jazz drawled, appreciatively eyeing Prowl’s slender body.

Prowl in turn rolled his optics. “Please get your processor out of the gutter, Jazz.” Then he paused and glared at his bondmate. “And don’t even think about it!”

“Think about what, Prowl?” the taller black and white replied as innocently as he could. He wasn’t fooling the doorwinger though.

“Taking advantage of the situation.” White doorwings twitched.

“Ah didn’t say anythin’ like that.”

“But you were thinking it, do not deny it. I could see by the look in your visor.”

“Aw, ya know me too well. Still,” he stepped closer and pressed his body against Prowl’s, idly stroking one doorwing and leaning in to nibble on the smaller’s neck, earning a shiver and a gasp, “it’s a really good look.”

Damn, Jazz was doing it again, Prowl was rapidly loosing all conscious thought. Why was he opposed to this again? For some reason he couldn’t remember… oh, right, Jazz was kissing his way up his neck and drawing glyphs in sensitive places on his wings, that’s why. Systems heating up and spark fluttering, he was just about to give in- when Jazz stepped back and grinned at him! How dare he stop now?!

Oh, Jazz wouldn’t be getting any for vorns!

Chuckling at the furious look in Prowl’s optics, Jazz opened the lock on the cuffs and swept Prowl up for a lengthy and passionate kiss. “Patience, Prowler, Ah promise we’re gonna continue this later.”

“I’ll hold you to that promise.” Prowl snarled.

Now the saboteur laughed outright. “Ya do that, Prowler, but now,” bending down he scooped his mate up bridal style, and grinned, before he kissed Prowl, who now had his own arms wrapped around Jazz’s neck, again and continued, “we gotta finish this rescue mission with style!”

“You do know that I am perfectly capable of walking myself.” Prowl remarked drily.

“Indulge meh, Prowler, I wanna do this right.”

Huffing, Prowl couldn’t really stop the smile forming on his lips. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but secretly he enjoyed the attention Jazz gave him. Who wouldn’t want to be courted like this? “Alright, you win.”

“Yes!” Jazz whooped, “let’s show’em what happens when they mess with us!”

Finishing his announcement with another kiss, which was returned enthusiastically, he swept out of the cell and made his way outside with a now happily purring Praxian.


Meanwhile, Optimus Prime and Megatron were busy squaring off outside, trying to outdo each other through meaningless or downright dumb “insults”, that could in no way be called dialogue. So far no one had figured out if they did this to avoid truly insulting the other, if that was their way of having fun or if they did it to torture the innocent bystanders. Anyway it was excruciating to listen to them. Thank Primus they had not yet descended to the name-calling stage…

And that didn’t mean they would be calling each other names, which would at least be mildly entertaining, no, it meant they would just call each other’s names back and forth until the battle was over or someone took pity on the other bots and knocked one or both of them out to put a stop to it (usually Prowl or Starscream).

This time however, they were distracted before it could get that bad.

The main gate of the Decepticon stronghold exploding outward and nearly beheading the two leaders who just ducked in time made sure of that. As did the silhouette appearing in the smoke and walking out calmly.

When they all recognized what they saw, jaws hit the floors, and missiles and Ratchet’s wrenches stopped flying. For Jazz was grinning like something you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark place, scratch that, you wouldn’t want to meet someone grinning like that in broad daylight. You really didn’t want to cross the saboteur when he grinned like that… Everyone had seen him storming the stronghold, literally kicking down the doors, they had heard the sounds and seen the multiple explosions, and now here Jazz came, looking as pristine as ever, as though he had not just singlehandedly reduced the place to a pile of rubble. Somehow that made the spectacle even more awesome. Scary, but awesome.

And even more scary, no disturbing, was the fact that Prowl was smiling!

That couldn’t mean anything good…

Their suspicions were confirmed, when Jazz reached his destination, a little outcropping that could be observed from every place on the battlefield. Once there, he finally let the black and white doorwinger out of his grasp, but still kept an arm around the white waist, and looked around.

“This,” a wave of his black servo indicated the sadly smoking pile behind him, “is what happens if ya piss me off by harming my Prowler.”

“Technically speaking they didn’t harm me, they just captured me.” Prowl explained.

“Bah, details, babe.” Jazz retorted, gently kissing the tip of Prowl’s nose, and then the centre of his chevron for good measure. He then whipped around to glare daggers at Shockwave, the instigator of this whole episode, who was futilely trying to hide behind his leader. “This ever happens again, and what Ah did here, will be child’s play compared ta what Ah’m gonna do next! Understood?”

Vigorous nods from Decepticons and Autobots greeted his proclamation.

“Ah couldn’t hear ya!” Jazz was lucky that he didn’t have to keep from grinning, but Prowl was having Prowl keeping up the stoic expression on his faceplates when all he wanted to do was rolling on the floor laughing like a fool. As if Jazz ever truly would harm any of them. Not that they needed to know that… Suffer, villains!

“Yes, sir!” echoed from every single bot, regardless of faction.

Satisfied, Jazz nodded and turned towards Prowl, kneeling down in front of him and taking the white servos in his own silver ones. Prowl looked at him quizzically, but Jazz just winked his azure visor in answer, like he had when he had asked Prowl to bond with him shortly after they had first met. Oh…

Ratchet stormed closer. “You glitch, if you injured yourself-“

His rant was interrupted by the mech in question. “Primus, Ratch, can’t a mech propose here without getting interrupted?”

That stopped the medic short. “Propose? But didn’t you already do that?”

“Not in front of all of you.” Was the cheeky retort. Turning back to the now blushing Praxian, he beamed at his mate happily. “Prowler, ma love, ya’re the other half ta my spark and Ah don’t wanna live without ya. Ya’re funny, smart, gorgeous, everything Ah always wished for. Ya complete me like no other could. Would ya be ma bondmate, now and forever?”

Like he had the last time Jazz asked, Prowl didn’t need to think about the answer to that question. He jumped Jazz and kissed him senseless, murmuring between kisses, “With all my spark, yes!” After another kiss, he added. “Again and again, whenever you ask.”

Whooping Jazz twirled his bondmate around, ignoring all the “Aaww!”s and the bots complaining about being scarred for life now. They should get used to it.

After all this wasn’t going to be the last proposal Jazz made to Prowl.

It was the first of many.

And Prowl wouldn’t have it any other way!

The End (of this oneshot)

Note: Tell me what you think?

kissing, transformers fanfiction, pg-13, jazzxprowl, fluff, it's a game- verse, multi-chapter, humor

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