At First Sight Part II

Mar 01, 2012 13:31

At First Sight, or What Exactly Happened Anyway?

Part II

Author: Thalanee

Verse: It’s A Game- Verse

Word Count: 2000 words

Rating: nc-17 (just in case, nothing explicit though)

Warnings: Crack, utter crack… don’t eat or drink anything while reading this, for the sake of you poor computer XD

Disclaimer: I only wish Transformers belonged to me, but they don’t.

Summary: Their first meeting just started, and it’s not going to go as everyone expected it to…

Author’s Notes: Here is the second part to At First Sight some of you asked me about. Took me long enough to wrestle into shape, but I finally managed after more than two months of severe writer’s block. Enjoy, and tell me what you think.

And maybe listen to Bruno Mars “Marry you” while you’re at it.


“You know when you said you needed my help, I didn’t think you meant that I would have to bail you out of prison.” The speaker’s voice sounded oddly pressed, as if he was desperately trying not to double over laughing.

A pitiful whine drifted through the bars of one of the two cells in answer, while the silver mech sitting inside did his best to look as innocent as possible. Not that he fooled anyone with the act. Not even with the kicked puppy look he somehow managed to pull off despite wearing a visor.

On the other side of the bars from Jazz, Prowl was busy blushing crimson, while he did his best to appear dignified despite the circumstances. Occupying a cell of his own though, made that endeavor rather difficult.

Exasperated Prowl huffed, studiously looking anywhere but at the mech who had addressed him. “Well, are you going to help us or not?” he finally asked

Incapable of further containing the laughter, the white and red mech finally gave in to the urge to laugh himself silly, his wings shaking with mirth. When he was finally able to stop and catch some breath, he leaned against the bars to the separate cells Prowl and Jazz called their own right now. “Come on, mech,” he wheezed, cackling again, “even you have to admit this is hilarious!” Saying so, he collapsed into another giggle fit, all but rolling on the floor.

The mech was having the time of his functioning right now. If anyone had told him that he would have to bail Prowl out of prison, he would have laughed himself silly, especially since he always thought if something like that would ever happen, it would be Prowl who’d bail him out!

As it was, Starscream found it incredibly hilarious, that straitlaced, rule-abiding, reserved and proper Prowl had been arrested for interfacing in public!

“So I take it the date went well,” the seeker drawled, once he was in control of himself once again.

“Ah’ll say!” Jazz piped up happily, from his perch on the cell’s berth, as close to Prowl as the bars would allow him. If not for the bars it was pretty obvious that Prowl would have been sitting right in Jazz’s lap. It didn’t escape the flier’s notice that the doorwinger was not averse to the attention, quite the contrary in fact.

“Care to tell me what you were thinking?” Starscream raised an optic ridge and eyed his best friend expectantly. Whatever had happened, had to be a story worth hearing… and razzing the doorwinger with for vorns! That’s what friends were for, after all.

“And here I am, believing that not really thinking got us here in the first place,” Muttering the Praxian moved closer to Jazz’s questing servos, earning a purr from the silver mech as Jazz wrapped his arms around the white waist through the bars separating them. Starscream still wasn’t sure if he found the display cute or sickening…

“To quote your bondmate,” Starscream snickered, “I’ll say. What exactly happened anyway?”

XX What exactly happened:

They just couldn’t keep their hands of each other.

When they were not pressed so close to each other that not even a single molecule could have fit between their plating, some parts of their bodies were always in contact. A servo holding the other’s, a digit tracing lines on a hip, a doorwing brushing the other’s arm, knees touching when they sat side by side… and neither of the two realized what they were doing, they were much too busy staring into each other’s optics. In short the two mechs were a walking romance novel.

It would have been enough to make anyone thoroughly sick of the two lovebirds.

Or jealous.

It all depended on whether you were a mech or a femme. If you were the former, the way they danced around each other made you want to scream, while the latter tended to just watch them and go “Aw!”.

Not that either Jazz or Prowl noticed as caught up as they were in each other.

Currently they were in one of the parks in Iacon, giggling like a pair of younglings as they thought back to their first real meeting this very night.

“I still cannot believe that you managed to fool everyone in that club.” Prowl said, golden optics twinkling with mirth.

“Ah’m just that good, but you should know that Prowler. Don’ tell me ya don’t remember tha things Ah did to the Cons in the game.” Jazz sounded almost offended, if it wasn’t for the large grin that had taken up permanent residence on his face ever since he had got his hands on the Praxian. Not a minute had gone by when he had not been touching Prowl ever since they had left Blaster’s club and then after that gotten chucked out of Soundwave’s for “acting worse than a pair of lovesick younglings with their first crush and scarring his customers”.

After that they had given up on dancing and decided to have a picknick under the stars. After retreating to one of the more quiet corners of the park near a little lake they had sat down and talked for hours, feeding each other little morsels until Prowl had practically ended up in Jazz’s lap.

For Prowl it was perfect. Even before when they had only met in the game or talked over comms he had known Jazz was the one bot he could share everything with. Meeting the silver mech in person had only sealed what some part of him had known already: this was the one. Despite what he had initially feared Prowl knew he’d never regret this date.

His spark was pulsing in contentment, little flares of an indescribable feeling rushing through his whole chassis whenever their sparks came near each other. He couldn’t get enough of it, enough of Jazz’s hands on his chassis or the gentle caresses bestowed on his wings.

Meanwhile the silver singer did his best to take advantage of Prowl’s closeness. He just couldn’t help himself. Sure, he had dated before, had been in relationships before, but he had never felt what he did now in his spark. Knowing what those tingling pulses of his spark meant, he would be damned if he’d ever let go of his Prowl again!

Suddenly he had an idea.

A crazy, wonderful idea, the best he’d ever had. Since his spark was in control (his processors had ong ago melted into a pile of happy goo), it happily decided to put it into action.

“Hey, baby?” Jazz nuzzled Prowl’s neck gently, causing a flutter from those wonderful doorwings.

“Yes, Jazz?”

Not one to beat around the bush, Jazz said exactly what he was thinking. “Ah think Ah wanna bond with ya.”

Golden optics blinked, then narrowed. “That’s not funny.”

“Good, ‘cause Ah ain’t joking.” Jazz replied, smiling at the black and white.

Usually Prowl’s processors would tell him this was an extraordinarily bad idea. Too bad his processors weren’t in charge right now. His spark was and it was happily agreeing with every word the silver mech had said and declaring its own wish to bond with the spark so close to itself. His spark knew he could trust Jazz. Prowl’s processor declared his spark mad. Unfortunately Prowl himself was disinclined to listen.

Hence the words coming out of his mouth. “I think I want to bond with you too.”

Jazz’s soft smile turned into a brilliant grin. “Ya mean it?”

“I cannot believe I am actually saying this, and mean it, but yes, I do.”

Jazz whooped in joy, grabbing Prowl and twirling him around in a happy dance. “Let’s do it right now!”

“What? You… you mean right here, in the park?” The thought made the black and white blush furiously. Anyone could catch them if they happened to walk by, this was a public garden. Granted it was the middle of the night and there was no one else around right now, but still…

Jazz literally purred. An embarrassed Prowl was incredibly cute… and strangely hot. “Exactly,” he whispered and bowed his head to nibble on Prowl’s neck, earning himself a small moan.

Why was he opposed to this again, Prowl wondered. Right, bots could catch them, but somehow the black and white couldn’t bring himself to tell Jazz to stop, not when it all felt so right. Social niceties be damned, he wanted this!

“Yes,” Prowl breathed, wrapping his arms around the silver mech’s neck, pulling Jazz closer to him until their lips met in a chaste but wonderfully sweet kiss, that soon turned into something more.

No more words were necessary.

Not long after that, underneath the canopy of the stars and the humming crystals two sparks became one forever.

And soon after that, the two enforcers who had happened to drive by their little nest arrested the happy couple for interfacing in public.


By the end of the tale Starscream was in stitches once again.

“Are you quite finished?” Prowl asked tartly, his arms crossed over his chest plates.

“Nu-uh,” Starscream managed to get out, pausing only to wipe away some of the fluid in the corners of his red optics. The seeker couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so hard.

Slanting a look at the flier, Prowl came to an obvious realization. “You will never let me live this down, will you.”

A broad grin appeared on the scientist’s face. “Nope. Which reminds me.” With startling alacrity the red and white mech pulled something from his subspace and before either the enforcer or the singer could move, the suspicious device emitted a flash and a click… “Every wedding should be commemorated with a picture!”

Triumphantly Starscream held up the image capturer he had fortunately still had in his subspace. He would never have forgiven himself for not securing hard evidence of this unforgettable event.

Prowl gaped, then golden optics narrowed. “You did not just take a picture of us in these cells.”

“Yes, I did.” Starscream grinned and put the image capturer back in his subspace where it would be safe. It wouldn’t do if Prowl got his hands on the pictures before the scientist had made some safety copies after all.

“… Can Ah have a copy of that?” Jazz suddenly asked, raising his hand as if in class.

“Jazz!” Prowl exclaimed, looking at his bondmate in horror.

“Sure.” The seeker answered without hesitation. He was beginning to think that Jazz was exactly what Prowl needed. Maybe he wouldn’t scare him quite so badly when he took the silver mech aside for the traditional “If you break his spark there won’t be enough parts of you left for the trash compactor”- speech. “Heads up, Prowl, at least they decided to let the two of you go with a warning this time, considering it was your first offense.”

Jazz perked up noticeably at that, his customary good mood restored at the good news. “Sweet! We still have a bondin’ ta celebrate.”

For some reason Starscream didn’t want to delve into further that comment made Prowl blush once again (it didn’t take a genius to figure out what Jazz meant).

“Yes, you do. The others will never forgive you two if you don’t give them the opportunity to tease you about this mercilessly.” Starscream pointed out so reasonably that it made Prowl want to strangle him.

“And you’ll make sure they have enough material, don’t you?”

“Of course, Prowl, That’s what friends are for.”

The End

Author’s Note: Not much of a plot, I know, but I hope you liked it anyway. Let me know what you think, please?

jazzxprowl, it's a game- verse, transformers fanfiction, humor, nc- 17, romance

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