Aug 13, 2011 22:22

Originally posted by five_steps_back at SIGNAL BOOST: PLEASE READ
Originally posted by introductory at post.

I've known sunsetsinthewes  and subluxate  for years. They're partners, living in Iowa, and they are currently both dealing with medical problems and can't find the funds. They have both been declined from CareCredit, and subluxate 's Social Security income isn't coming through.

sunsetsinthewes  has two abcessed teeth and the government will not give her enough money to afford antibiotics and get surgery. subluxate  is still trying to pay off an ER copay from last month while also dealing with possible arthritis complications. Any donations would be highly appreciated, and please feel free to signal boost and/or link back to this post.

Their Paypal address is kelly.pittman AT Both subluxate and sunsetsinthewes are v. good friends of mine. I visited them this summer in Iowa, and they're even more amazing in person. They're both extremely wonderful people who don't deserve any of the bad things they've had recently, so even signal-boosting this if you can't help donate would be amazing. <3

!please read, these people are awesome, , signal boost, !important

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