Jun 04, 2009 22:59
So, I belong to Paperback Swap, this online swapping community of--you guessed it!-- books. One feature of the site is you can set it up to list available books of certain genres.
My chosen genres are 'arts & photography', 'home & garden', and 'body, mind & soul'. You know; chick stuff.
Anyway, the current list is... interesting:
"The Carbohydrate Addicts' Diet"
"When Food is Love"
"Married to Mommy?"
"Murdered Innocents"
"Conquer Fear"
"Exercising Your Ex"
"If This is Love, Why Do I Feel so Insecure?"
"Dwarf Rabbits"
"The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness"
"Your Pregnancy Week By Week"
"The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands"
"Why? Trusting God When You Don't Understand"
I think I'll just watch a video...