Oct 30, 2010 00:02
Rock o Rock, who do you stand so fi rm?
Against the wrath of your Mother nature?
Against the beating of her rain?
Against the scolding of her winds?
Against the temper of the her rays?
How o how, do you stand and not fall?
Boy o boy, do you not see?
Open your eyes, have you ever seen a stone stand alone?
Open your eyes, can you not see that there are a million of us wherever we go?
Open your eyes, see and know that rocks can never be alone
Open your eyes, can you not see the fortress we have built in this mountain alone?
How o how, can you fall and not stand tall?
Rock o Rock, I see
Boy o Boy, you see
I have friends and I love them
Rock, now I know
Boy, now you know
Because of my love for them and their love for me, I can stand tall
And never fall.