Apr 15, 2010 04:26
On the ground lay dead
The Sons and Daughters of God
The enemy has stricken them fast
And they had no time to counter
They lie as if the ground is their grave
Down on earth, but not of humility
Sons and Daughters of God
Is not our Father strong that His strength we can only imagine?
Is He not mighty to move mountains?
Is His grace not enough?
Is He not the Beautiful One?
God remembers His people!
God remembers His children!
God remembers His promise!
So, now Children of God, remember HIM!
Rise with me my Brothers and Sisters
And let us rise with the Risen One!
Let the Spirit be with us and let us dance!
Dance on the graves and sing their revival!
Oh my Brothers and Sister, joy has overtaken me
Sleep eludes me, stress effaced
How my soul longs for the past where we danced and sing
And for the future and we will worship Him
Let us remember and not forget
Noah had a rainbow to remind of God's promise
Abram had a covenant of His providence
Moses wrote the Old Testament testifying His Might
And we have Jesus who died for all of us
Let us not forget who we are and why we are here!
Our Father is the Lion of Judah
He is the Great I Am
The Provider
Lover of our souls
Protector, Mighty Tower
He who wove something from nothing
Our Friend
Our Teacher
He is our Savior!
Our Father is our Father
And we are His sons and daughters.
Never forget that.