Helloooooooooooo LJ!
I am back to whine again.
Break wasn't long enough. Saw Newton and KP and Mairi and EZ. Lovely. Had lots of good memories rekindled and not many bad ones. This is a win. Saw some theatre/ensemble folks I hadn't seen in ages at Aaron's recital and at the student play festival, and that was nice. Heard that JT died Saturday morning. That was sad D:
The first Sunday back, one of the kids in Sunday School offered as a prayer request: "Dear God, Thank You that Sarah came home safe from college." I nearly cried on the spot. Sometimes, kids give me hope for humanity.
Z and I had a good time. Made
raspberry-nutella bread pudding (NOM) and stopped at Grandpa's Cheesebarn on the way to her house. More win. Her family rocks. My family's nuts. I bought a pretty new skirt that makes me feel like an earth fairy. Not sure what that means.
Train ride back to Boston was uneventful. Mostly in the sense that I slept for nearly all of it and accomplished nearly nothing productive. Did read most of the remainder of Catilina's Riddle. Now I still have my paper to finish write, and NO MOTIVATION why do I still feel like such crap.
I'm tired.
I'm going to drop Greek. It will be a good thing. God, I'm tired: help me, please.
Rediscovered lang-8 as a way to waste time. Yay.
Going to beat myself up about this paper some more. I hate things.