Traveling home

Mar 10, 2012 16:02

Traveling home for spring break with Z. We’re on the train and we’ve been napping on and off. I woke up about an hour ago and did some work for my research job. Now I’m trying to write. Or something. I dunno.

I want to get back into HP fic. I’ve been reading so much (really lovely and addictive) Sherlock fic, but I want to write, too, and I don’t feel ready to write for Sherlock yet. Hmmm. I also have this original fiction (?) piece that I started writing on the way home at winter break and then got stuck on. It’s about trains, so I thought I’d work on it now, but it’s also about winter, and I find it hard to write about seasons that we’re not in. Which is why my Christmas Wolfstar fic is never going to happen. Maybe. So then I decided to work on some other Wolfstar fic, but I feel like I’ve been away from the fandom too long and have lost some characterization =/ Meh. I’ll try anyway. Maybe I’ll read some of the fic I have saved.

There is a sizeable group of guys on this train who all seem to know each other. There might be a girl or two as well, but I can’t see all of them. It’s unclear whether they all knew each other before, or whether some of them met on the train a week ago and are now on the train together again by chance. But it’s funny because one of them, sitting behind me, obviously signs, and the guy sitting just ahead of us and across the aisle was trying to sign back, but knows very little so he was talking and signing together. I wonder whether he noticed me watching and grinning. I had a hard time not pointing out that asking for a water bottle by signing DRINK with a Y was not quite ideal =P (Using a Y handshape usually denotes(?) alcohol.)

So hmmm. Maybe fic-reading and/or writing now. Also I’m hungry. We’re about 50 minutes away from Albany, where we’ll stop for food. I’ve got some fruit with me, though, and some carrots and peanut butter. Maybe I’ll work on those.


harry potter, people, writing, fanfic100, bbc sherlock, fanfic, travel, asl, friends

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