Jan 24, 2012 01:17

Again, I return to LJ with many Writer's Block post.

The main purpose of my return to LJ was to complain about tumblr. How addictive it is and how I want to follow some people without seeing *all* of their posts... I hear Missing e is fantastic. Maybe it has a function like that. Now that I've gotten my internet problems mostly sorted, I could probably install it. Hmm.

But anyway, now I have to tell you all about my fabulous day.

So it started with sleeping in but getting up to do hw and instead going on tumblr >_< And then I had the brilliant idea to make oatmeal and cut up my banana in it, which sounded great. But it did not taste as good as I hoped at all :(

Then I went to the Office of Disability Services because I'm working as a note-taker for the Deaf students in my linguistics classes. Filled out the paperwork, yada yada yada, went to Morphology. I tried to tell J and J that I'd gotten the forms filled out and that they needed to go sign them, but I felt like I was very unclear. Plus, although they all seem very friendly over email when I send them the notes, I sometimes feel like I seem to them in real life to be That Kid who's way too enthusiastic to talk to them just so I can prove I can sign... Which is not the case at all. I'm just friendly and I want to make sure I'm doing everything they need me to do. Mostly I think that is me being socially awkward and needlessly worried, as per usual.

But then! On the way to Greek Catie saw me, and I'd told her that I planned to start fencing tonight, and she actually stopped me on the sidewalk and said hi and made sure I was coming. And that made me feel nice.

And then, on the next block I ran into my roommate. And she's awesome, but we never really talk much at all. And I'd begun to accept the we-shall-be-forever-awkward situation, but I waved and said hi, and she told me about a computer problem she was having, and I offered to help, and she said we should have dinner tomorrow. And then this afternoon I did help her and I think we will get dinner tomorrow. Yay! More feeling good because people that I think I bother apparently actually like me.

So I was late to Greek and hadn't done all the reading, but I was useful in class, so that was good. There's always that Other Kid in a class who's so so clueless you just don't know how they got in there. That was more painful than usual today (and Thursday in ASL). Both of them are really, really nice people, just clueless in class and I feel so embarrassed for them. Meh.

Went to the library to scan notes and email them, messed around on the internet, stopped by Hillel for a yummy lunch and read my book for a bit. Went home and helped my roomie with her computer, read my book some more, slept. Went to the chapel for dinner (NOMS BEAN SOUP but itwassospicy), came home for an interesting house meeting, and went to my first fencing practice here.

FENCING WAS SO FANTASTICALLY AWESOME I CAN'T EVEN. Catie taught me the basics of sabre (apparently around here, epée is for losers. LAAAME), and I fenced a bit. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow. But everyone there was super nice and it was a lot of fun. I'm going to regret taking on so many responsibilities this term (although that's only really a responsibility to myself because I don't plan to compete), but I JUST DON'T CARE because that made me so happy.

And, finally, when I was at the gym, I ran into Rebecca and Tory, and we're going to have lunch on Friday. I also feel like I bother them a lot, which is clearly not true, but I'm just paranoid. So that was reassuring.

[If any of these people ever see this, I will probably die of mortification [[die of becoming dead?? o.O]] but that's ok. I'm being brave and writing about this. And being dumb and putting it on the internet. Oh well.]


P.S. noooooooo i've gotten rid of my fencing icon! sad. TO THE DEATH! ...or 5 touches ^_^

linguistics, personality, school, work, worried, greek, icons, fencing, asl, happy, friends

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