
Jul 10, 2011 21:49

So I'm not dead. I'm here. Summer's been pretty good so far. This may turn into a long rambly post. Fair warning.

I spent about three weeks in May working with the L1-3 at the high school and with the middle schoolers. It was really wonderful. I quite enjoyed it. I also got to help out with / observe the certamen tryouts for our babies for nat'ls, which is exciting. Then I had a week off. I don't really remember what I did. There was also plenty of babysitting in that time.

Then work. Ohhhhh work. I'm counseling day camp, ages 5-11. We've got 25 or 26 kids on the roster, though two of them have never come. One was supposed to start coming in July,'s July and she ain't here. The other...? Who knows. Almost all the kids have some pretty powerful personalities, although unfortunately a good half dozen are merely whiny, a handful are poorly behaved, and several just have way way way too much energy. Also one girl with some pretty clear emotional-development issues, and a boy who moved here recently from Saudi Arabia, whose English is not at all bad, all things considered, but who feels SUCH a need to copy what everyone else is doing, and especially the kids who misbehave. What a headache.

Speaking of headaches, I've been having them. Frequently. I can't decide whether or not to be worried. But they're getting really really old. Tea sometimes helps, Advil does, even with just a half dose, but I really don't wanna take it all the time...

Plus, how do you find activities that are appropriate for all those ages? Oh yeah. You don't. And many of them have serious reading issues.  Almost makes me want to be an elementary ed person. Almost.

Ummmmmm. In other news, I'm working on the third book of the Bartimaeus Trilogy, although I could only get it on CD, and they're scratched, so they only play if I rip them to my computer, because then the computer fills in the gaps with super technology. That's all well and good, but the scratches also make the CD drive freak out, so it's been a bit of a process. At any rate, good story. Also I've started watching the West Wing again. LOVE. I'd quit cuz I didn't want to see Sam leave, but Will is also awesome. Yay :)


tv, kids, work, west wing, camp, headache, books

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