May 05, 2011 03:10
Ten page paper. Due in...oh, about thirteen hours. I've written 2.5 pages thus far, and they suck. And I have a headache, and now my stomach feels weird, and I have NO motivation.
GAHHHHHHHHHHHH. My ability to stay up all night with no immediate (w/in 24 hours) consequences cannot be gone until school is over! UGHHH.
Also this is my facebook status right now. This is how much of a mess I am.
someday, when I'm actually a teacher, it will feel so good to grade homework and not complete it. and at least i will never be a teacher who has to assign essays (i really hope. unless you count the ones for the AP latin tests, at which point... those aren't essays. those are extended response questions, suck it up.), because that would be the most hypocritical thing, for me to assign essays...
my own comment: and that was a really unintelligent status. i don't think there is much going on there in terms of good language skills. >.<
Someone "liked" them both, and someone else liked just the comment. I'm doomed.