
Apr 05, 2011 16:05

I have a lot of things to say. I think there will be two posts today. (I say that now, but who knows if another one will actually happen... =P) This one will be the artsy and philosophical one, and the other will be the this-is-my-life-right-now one.

I've started reading an LJ* group called poemsdaily and I wanted to cross-post this poem I found there today. I've been on a Never Grow Up kick recently and this just fit in so much with it...
Lies I’ve Told My 3 Year Old Recently
by Raul Gutierrez

Trees talk to each other at night.
All fish are named either Lorna or Jack.
Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose.
Tiny bears live in drain pipes.
If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky.
The moon and the sun had a fight a long time ago.
Everyone knows at least one secret language.
When nobody is looking, I can fly.
We are all held together by invisible threads.
Books get lonely too.
Sadness can be eaten.
I will always be there.
and related

Lies I've Told My 4 Year Old Recently

The mole men live in the subways.
The bird men live in the skies.
The monster doesn't actually live under the bed (he's hiding somewhere else nearby).
There are 71 flavors of snow, but only 63 flavors of water.
If you sing enough, you will never grow old.
Don't worry, I lock up bad dreams in little cages.
Every good room has a ghost.
When we made you, we left part of ourselves behind so you would never be lonely.
Your shadow knows your secrets.
Books hide when they don't want to be read.
Time moves faster when close your eyes.
You knew everything, but then you were born and forgot, and now you have to learn everything again.
Be nice to your brother, he will always be your best friend.
We're not lost.
Moms and Dads never really get lost.
We know exactly where we're going.

*Also I find it interesting that I wrote "an LJ group" because I actually pronounce it ell-jay in my head. But I always write "a fb group" because I read fb as facebook (or more usually fay-buhh. I think that's a muttering-while-signing influence).

I really want to write a sonnet. I like sonnets. I'm very proud of the one I wrote for ninth grade English class, and I'm very proud that it won a contest at school. But I don't want that to be my best. Because it's sad. I want a happier one.

[I should type up all my poetry. It was on my aim buddyprofile page for a long time, but that's long gone. I wonder if they're on my computer anywhere...?]

I've realized though that I can't just force myself to write a poem. That sonnet was born out of, yes a school assignment, but also the first line which had floated around in my head quite a bit. I've had some rather poetic fb statuses recently. Maybe I'll be inspired soon. In the meantime, for your mind(s) to chew on:

It's something of being human, isn't it, that sorrow and joy are so deeply intertwined...

There's a difference between trusting someone not to leave and taking them for granted. The constant goal is to know what that is.


music, silvi, kids, language, poetry

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