faopfhagpeuhow;darfh -_-

Mar 30, 2011 12:38

Tea makes me happy. :) Especially fruity iced tea, lately. Raspberries, peaches, and lemons, oh my!

Also I need to take my nail polish off. It’s chipping. I know you care deeply.

I’m’a die. School should be fun. You should learn fun things. Right now I am only sort of. I had something of a breakdown Thursday night because my Latin assignment last week came back with comments to the effect of “pay attention when you do your work” and I was worried about an 8-page paper I hadn’t started and it was bad. I had really wanted to get a lot of the next Latin assignment done that night so that I’d have more time to proofread it. That didn’t happen. >.<
Friday I had dinner with mi care and then freaked out again and spent the evening re-planning my next six semesters. They look very good and I’m actually going to be able to take enough Latin classes and still do ling, but now I’m starting to worry that the actual scheduling won’t work. I need to talk to my advisor. Ugh I hope everything works. *crosses fingers and prays*

Saturday mi care and I went to a high school certamen about an hour away. One of his friends at college went to that high school and is still dating a girl from there, and she was running the certamen, so she begged him to bring his SCL-er friends, and we came :) It was a lot of fun. Mi care’s sister played, and it was nice because I got to see her and their parents.

It occurs to me now that I never realized not everyone’s grandparents are friends with each other. Like, since my parents grew up in the same town and their parents still live in the same area, they (my grandparents) still see each other a lot and even when their kids aren’t around. For some reason I don’t see that in my kids’ future. And that’s not really a *bad* thing, but it just seems a shame. *shrug*

Anyway, we missed the 3:00 train back to Boston so we went to mi care’s friend’s house and had dinner. YUMMMMMMM best crock-pot stew-ish stuff EVAR. Om nom nom. And then I did lots and lots of Latin when we got back because as you’ll notice, I didn’t do any on Friday. And I woke up early on Sunday (???????) and finished and proof-read, fixed a few things, and submitted it, only to discover the deadline had been moved back 5 hours. Haha. [I’m eating lunch and writing this now, but after that is Latin class. We’ll see how well I did.]

Then on Sunday I went to Quidditch and we had a good practice (Except for where Dan broke his elbow. That was bad.) and started a game of Assassins. The first safety “item” was to have a Dark Mark drawn and visible on your arm. (Last night at midnight it changed to a broom. My Latin class is going to think I’m crazy.)

Then we had a ST meeting. We’re doing a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity by having a house-shaped Plinko game. Apparently I’m the only one with any building skills whatsoever, so I’m in charge of it. ^_^ Like, I’m leading the expedition to Home Depot and I get to pick what we buy. This is gonna rock. !!!!!! Also for the Global Day of Service (April 16) we’re going to a children’s shelter to paint. Yay mission-trip-ing!

Then I sat in the library and failed at doing homework. Then on Monday I went to the BPL, got my card activated (finally >.> <.<) and got an English translation of a French book I needed for my Merlin essay. They don’t have scanners there and the copier was a pain the butt. I think I have all I needed finally. Then I went to work and had a good time with Christine and Nana (which, by the way, is pronounced nah-nah (with tones… ` then ´ I think, but not having studied Mandarin…*shrug*. Regardless, it is not pronounced like Nana, one’s grandmother.).

Then…I went to the ASL dinner, but I couldn’t find the people and I lost my ID so I had to pay with cash for food which sucked cuz I had to go to an ATM and pay a fee and it was all stupid. And I was really really grumpy and angry. But then! My faith in humanity was restored. I went down to the Ed library to look for a book and when I turned my computer on, I had a fb message from a girl who had found my ID! It was lovely. I sat in the library waiting for her to respond until it closed. I checked out So You Want to be a Wizard and read it instead of working. Bad Sarah. Then I went and got my ID from her (which she found *in the food court* somehow. I don’t understand…). Then I continued to fail at working and then I noticed that the due date had been moved from Tuesday to Thursday. So I went to sleep.

Then on Tuesday I went to class only to get there and be the only one in the room. My prof had emailed that she was sick and although we were supposed to come anyway and work in groups, obviously as I hadn’t seen the email, I was the only one who showed up. So I worked on plans for Plinko, had lunch, went to ASL conversation group, and proceeded to go get two more wizard books and fail at writing. Do you see a pattern? I did do half my Greek hw though. God, I’m awful. Oh, and I went to the student union to get a broom from one of our captains for my safety and ran into my stalker! She thought the safety had already changed, but it hadn’t, so when she tried to AK me I just showed her my Dark Mark. Now I’m on the look out for her =P

Now it’s Wednesday, I’ve entertained my Greek class with my broom, sat through Econ, and now I’m having lunch. I’m worried a bit about Latin and a lot about getting this paper done. My prof says I don’t have to have a formal argument, I can just do something kind of explanatory, which is good, but I’m still concerned. On the flip side, I don’t know where I got the idea that it had to be 8 pages. I think it only has to be a minimum of 5. I can manage that. I can. I can I can I can. So there.
I have much more to say, but I think I’ll leave off here for now. Maybe if I get stuck on my paper later.


P.S. I discovered a new emoticon. =_= It's a sad/defeated face with bags under its eyes for added sleepiness. Iz my life. >.< =_=

mission trip, kitten, grandparents, family, school, quidditch, homework, work, life, greek, latin, asl, tea

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