On my return to Boston

Mar 20, 2011 22:10

12:39 PM

I enjoy train rides. Lincoln managed to get a ticket back to Massachusetts, so we’re traveling together, which is fun. We’ve both been asleep, though. She just woke up, and I woke up about half an hour ago, because our train left Cleveland at 5:50 this morning and neither one of us slept last night. >_<

When I was coming to Cleveland on the train, I was talking to my friend Tim on the phone. He’s made a section of this trip several times on the train, and he was asking me whether I’d met any good mystery novel characters. I really haven’t, but I do like stories about people meeting on a train. [‘cept the movie with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, whatever its name was. That was weird.] Maybe I’ll include a train or two in my next bit of writing.

4:23 PM

So now I’m sitting in the Albany-Renssalaer train station. Lincoln just left a little bit ago. There are some flooded tracks between here and Boston, so they’re sending us on buses. She went on the one making all the stops before Boston, and I’m going on the “express” bus, which doesn’t stop until we get to Boston. Wheeeeeeee I’m so tired.

Today’s Urban Dictionary word of the day is “pillow lust”. You can go look it up, but the definition was something to the effect of “that feeling college kids get when they’re so exhausted that the idea of their faces hitting a pillow is almost sexual” - aka what I’m feeling right now. Gahhhhhhhhhhhh…

Sooooo tiiiiiired… had to get my Latin homework done last night, so I just didn’t sleep. Did sleep about 5 or 6 hours this morning, but not enough… also need to do Greek homework (just a smidge). Maybe I’ll do that now while I wait for the bus. I think they just said it was here but they’re cleaning it…? Ionno.

Lincoln and I played SET on the train. I had forgotten that game and how much I enjoy it. She also said she and her gf may come visit me in a few weeks because her gf wants to go to a conference at Harvard. Lincoln thinks I should teach mi care to play Pinochle in the meantime so that the four of us can play together. I think that would be really fun, but I don’t know whether I’ll be able to talk mi care into it. We’ll see. Also there are certamina the next two weeks. Those are exciting :)

^haha the :) face looks so much better in the font I’m using in TextEdit (Lucida Console) than other fonts. I think because it’s a monospaced font so the eyes and the mouth aren’t on top of each other. Also it makes :P look better too. Normally that particular look irritates me so I use =P. …Can you tell I’m tired? I’m talking about the relative merits of smiley faces in different typesets…

Ok, sweatshirt and Greek time. Oh! Lincoln’s mom decided she didn’t want a Northwestern hoodie anymore so she gave it to me since I lost mine a few years ago. Sadly, it’s not the same color purple (half the reason I got the original one was I loved that shade of purple), but it’s still nice to have another sweatshirt. Now really leaving.

7:08 PM

Well I got my Greek done just in time to get on the bus. Yay! They gave us free food again, but it was pretty icky. I read the letter Lincoln had written to me and I catnapped/texted with mi care for a while. It was comfy and nice. We had to switch buses in Springfield for some reason. Fortunately that was at a rest stop on the Pike, not at the train station. Now I’m going to return to the catnap/texting plan, but I had to put new podcasts on my iPod so the computer came back out and I decided to write a little bit.

Sleeping today has been nice because first I was sitting with Lincoln on the train and now I’m sitting alone on the buses. Yay! Ok, leaving again :)

10:04 PM

Back in my room at last! After smushing on a one-car green-line train. I mean honestly... Well, I've been here for a while, sorting things out and cleaning up email and facebook. Now moved on to LJ :) Haven't really got much else to say except that I love that at 9:00 at night i could walk outside with a T-shirt and a flannel button down and be perfectly happy temperature-wise. S'posed to be a bit icky the rest of the week, but it will be ok. At this moment, I'm thinking sandwich, chips, going downstairs to get some juice or something, and watching the Suspect Behavior episode I missed last week. And then bed. Yay bed!!


trip, weather, font, boston, spring, set, homework, lincoln, greek, latin, t/rta, travel, sleep

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